[3.47] robbery

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Somehow, through no fault of her own, Chip ended up being involved in a plan that involved the group sneaking into the school to get their results the day before they were supposed to have them. Chip had physically been in bed when they all rapped on her front door, telling stories about a situation with Sister Michael and their plan to see their results. She had pulled on a jumper and a pair of jeans so quickly she nearly fell over, then ran out of the door with them.

"We lived on the edge back then. We were young, wild and fearless. We didn't play by the rules!" James grinned as he filmed all of them sneaking through the night covered school, heading for Sister Michael's office. Chip absolutely adored his enthusiasm and found it just plain adorable, Michelle however didn't.

"I'm gonna shove that camera up his hole!" Michelle exclaimed, eyes full of aggravation.

Clare, who had been silently freaking out for the entire time, suddenly burst out. "What are we playing at this is breaking and entering girls!"

Erin shrugged, "It's not breaking and entering Clare, the door was open. It's more... entering."

A sudden crash echoed through the barren halls, causing gasps amongst each person present. As the voices that had caused the noise started to follow, the group slowly started to back away as if they could moonwalk away from the person headed towards them. At the second their hands brushed against each other, James took her hand into his own and held it tight. It soothed away some of the instant panic, briefly.

"Oi!" a man's voice called from in the shadows. Chip had to squint in order to see the two men standing mysterious men in the shadows and even then, they were blurry figures. "What are you doing here girls?"

"Breaking and enterin'" Orla answered with a grin.

"Shut up, Orla!"

"Netball. We are here for netball practice," Michelle suddenly responded, giving an excuse that was not the most reliable

The men in the shadows walked forwards as one of them spoke, "Listen girls, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to give me an honest answer."


The men, one was called Han's (apparently) and the other went unnamed, had asked them to help them load their van full of things that they needed to fix for work. They were all happy to comply, given that these people could easily snitch and tell Sister Michael about their night endeavours - a extremely inideal option. As they all stood and watched the van filled with electronics drive off, a certain tension started to radiate off Clare and soon weaved itself throughout the rest of the group's emotions.

"So... now that I think about it... Weren't those computers like relatively new?" Clare hesitated, nervously playing with her fingers whilst watching the van fully disappear into the darkened roads of Derry.

"I think they might have been, yeah," Erin reluctantly agreed, the same nervousness sweeping over her face.

Clare nodded, her frown slowly deepening, "Right, so... is it a bit weird that two men we've never seen before just sorta took away a load of expensive equipment in the middle of the night?"

"Oh shit," Ciara mumbled, then softly cleared her throat. "Guys we just helped burgle the school."

For a brief second, whilst they were processing, everything was silent. Not even a breath could be heard. Then, all too quickly, pure panic began to ensue. Clare was shrieking, which caused Orla to cover her ears and begin to sort of hum loudly to counteract the sound. Both Erin and Michelle were just plain screaming. These sounds and the panic worsened greatly when sirens growing in the distance made it into their eardrums. Ciara's eyes went wider than they ever had before and for once, she genuinely looked fearful. This was all James needed for him to know what she was so concerned about. "How much do you have on you?" he quired somewhat quietly, having turned his back to the others for a brief moment of privacy.

Ciara took a deep breath and tried to think back that morning and how much of her stash she had smoked. She shrugged, knowing that she definitely had something on her. She always did, despite her efforts to quit in the past. "Enough to get put away."

"And... where is it?" he quizzed rapidly, the pitch of his voice increasing towards the end of the question.

"In a dug out in my boot," she responded calmly, gaze fixated on the brow of a hill where blue lights were now distinct in her vision.

His eyes widened in terror, heart pounding as he began to fiddle with his hands. "Can you ditch it?"

"Aye i'll just pull off my boot in front of the coppers, whip out my bag of weed and fling it into the bushes," she chuckled sarcastically, gaze still focused on the hill and the approaching cars. To him it looked like she simply did not care about the fact that she could quite easily get put in prison in mere moments, in fact she looked unbothered and as if she had recoiled from reality.

"It was just a question!"

Her head snapped towards him as the police were getting closer. She slipped her hand onto his shaking one and laced their fingers together. She dropped her voice to a whisper, worrying that someone would overhear, "Just be chill J."

"Be chill?"

Her voice remained soft, unbothered by the panic that the others felt. "Do you want me to go to prison?"

"Of course not!"

"Then be chill," she repeated, letting go of his hand at the very second the officers leaped out of the cars and trained their guns at the groups heads. He nodded just as they were all forced to raise their hands, a nod of understanding that she could read easily. Despite the fact that the weed felt hot against her foot, Ciara did not worry that they would find it and prosecute.

One by one they were practically thrown into the back of the police van by officers, all of which did not listen to their attempted explanations of what was truly going on - nor James' nervous ramblings about his rights. 

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