[3.58] lover

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"The phone... It's disconnected," Clare announced, stunning the room into silence but for the clanking of the phone against the table and then the floor. Chip stood and turned around, joining the confounded stares that the girls all shared. "Someone has to run and get help," Clare continued hurriedly, her own anxieties so potent that they radiated onto others. Chip had completely turned inwards, her thoughts dulled and her mind numbed completely. It was as if she wasn't even fully there anymore, all light behind her eyes had gone. If someone were to look into them, they would only see devastation and mind numbing worry. She, at that point, could hardly hear her surroundings let alone focus on them.

"I'm the fastest!" Orla's exclamation sounded distant within Chip's mind.

"This is true. She's like a whippet," Erin responded quickly, her nervous energy manifesting itself as quick and rapid movements. She hopped from foot to foot, eyes bouncing around the room. Thunder cracked and split the sky above them and they all jumped apart, staring at the window where rain poured heavily and thrashed against the windows. One thing after another, all preventing James from getting the medical help he obviously needed given the fact that he was still unconscious. "You can't go out in that Orla. It's too dangerous! We're already a cousin down, we can't risk it."

Ciara, needing a way to displace the words in her brain that she simply could not say as her voice had been stolen away by fear, began to pace back and forth. She knew that logically, James was rather unlikely to die in this situation but she could not shake the thought that it would cause his death. Clare began to ramble, "We're trapped and our friend is fatally wounded and there's nothing we can do to help."

"Poor James, he just doesn't deserve this." Michelle's hand rested on Chip's shoulder as she walked past her, stopping the pacing back and forth as she squeezed her shoulder softly.

"He was a good man."

"He was."


"Would you shut the fuck up James?" Michelle yelled, snapping instinctively without even thinking twice about what she was saying and what it meant. Almost at the same time, the group all turned around and watched as James slowly sat himself up, wincing softly as his hand flew to his head.

"Careful you could have a concussion or something," Ciara warned as she ran over to him, placing her hand on his back to help him sit up a little easier.

"Or memory loss, he might not know who we are," Erin added, catching Ciara's checking of James' eyes in her peripherals. She caught the very moment that the two gazes locked, the second that Chip's mind numbing concern faulted and disappeared completely once he smiled softly, almost noticeably but undoubtedly reassuringly.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Orla asked without so much as lifting a finger, peering at Hames expectantly as she awaited her answer.

He frowned, not seeing the point of such a question if she didn't raise any fingers to count, "None?"

"Who's the president of New Zealand?"

"He wouldn't know that...Ask him something he knows," Chip responded quickly, glancing at Erin for the question that would follow.

"Look i'm fine, I think," James interrupted as Erin faltered, another question to ask not coming to mind. Chip frowned at his choice of wording, the concern flaring up in waves once again.

"You think?"

He sighed softly, "I saw the tunnel, girls."

"Like the death tunnel?" Chip queried with a deep frown, her brows furrowed at the very idea that he had been on the brink of death - so much so that he saw the supposed light that was supposed to take him away. Away from her. As pretty much every man she had ever loved had been.

Basorexia - J.MAGUIREOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora