Chapter 19 (Edited)

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OMG CHAPTER 19! I AM SO HAPPY! I was only expecting like 80 views at this point, but it is actually an amazing 267 views! I am so happy ya'll are liking this story. I have done my best to keep it interesting. Love ya'll so much! <3

A/N I have 18,536 views right now, like omg I never expected this. Stay Gold, Stay Shining, and pity the backseat <3

I lay awake in my bed for hours. I couldn't believe I forgot, and I hated myself for it. Exactly one year ago from tomorrow, well today now, was when my parents died in the crash.

I climbed out of bed as quietly as I could. I was tip-toeing through the house and into the kitchen. I was afraid of a loud creak echoing through the house.

I decided that I wanted to go out and I grabbed my coat and blade. I was still wearing my black tee shirt, but I changed into black pants because the nights were still kind of chilly, due to the wind. I took a pen and paper. I wrote down a note for Darry, Soda, and Pony.

Hey guys, I promise you I am fine. I will be back later, I just need some time alone. I don't know exactly when I will be back which is why I am leaving this note.

I won't say where I am going because I don't want anybody looking for me. Also, where I am is frankly kind of embarrassing and I don't want to share. 

I brought my blade and I am staying on the east side. There is a very small chance that Socs will find me where I am. Don't worry about me and don't stop me.

I left the house shortly after I left the note. I was going to the train tracks. For the first time since mom and dad died, I was going back there.

Nobody ever took the car away and left it there. Just beside the tracks. I knew this because they made some big deal about it. I don't know why, but I didn't really care.

I snuck into a green house that was home to a bunch of plants, including flowers. I was looking for some pretty flowers to leave at the car, where they spent their final moments. 

I found really gorgeous blue irises. They were so beautiful. I looked around. For what? I don't know because nobody else was here. I took two pots and ran. I closed the door behind me and I ran all the way to the site.

I walked over to the car, the pots still in my hands. I put them down next to the wreck. I felt myself breaking down, just being here.

I then noticed a family of bunnies on the tracks. It reminded me too much of my parents and I. Two out of the three of them moved, but the biggest of the three didn't. I got scared and quickly went to investigate. I saw a train in the far distance.

I ran over and the bunny's fur appeared to be caught on the track. I tried to free it without hurting it, but the bunny was wriggling around and it was hard for me to help.

I thought quickly, getting my blade out. I started cutting the fur where it was caught. I had to do this quickly because the train was going fast. As soon as it was free, it ran to it's family and they all hopped away.

I jumped back and sat there. My hair being dragged by the draft caused by the train. The sun was about to come up at this point. I took a deep breath and buried my head in my hands.

Looking at the train, I started crying. The sound of the train was the sound that replayed in my mind over and over. I haven't seen a train in about eleven months. I tried multiple times after mom and dad died to come back here. Every time I saw a train, I broke down in tears.

I then watched the sunrise and I remembered, everyday comes with a new start. I decided to go back home before everyone woke up. I basically ran there because Darry would be waking up soon.

The note was still exactly where I left it. I picked it up, ripped it, crumpled the pieces, and threw it away.

I kept wiping my tears away, but they kept coming back. I just went to my room and plopped down on my bed again. Tears still stinging my eyes, I fell asleep.

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