Chapter 10 (Edited)

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"What?" Darry asked, not taking me seriously at first. I really didn't want to say it again.

"Johnny killed a Soc." Soda repeated for me.

"What happened?" Darry asked, as he put down his work stuff. Soda looked at me indicating I was going to be the one doing the explaining.

I explained everything that happened, in detail. As much as I didn't want to go into detail, it was important. If Darry knew, he would be able to come up with a solution.

He just glared at me when I finished explaining. It made me nervous and I just looked down. I looked up at him a few times.

I was already feeling nervous. I didn't want Darry to have to know, but he would find out eventually. It's better that we told him.

Two began explaining that he, Dally, and Steve threw the Soc into a lake somewhere around so he wouldn't get found.

Next thing I knew, my breathing was shallow. I was pretty nervous about this whole thing, now everybody is talking over each other and asking me questions. I felt like air was being sucked away from me as I tried to breathe. I couldn't catch my breath. I got up and got out of the room before I had a panic attack.

I quickly walked into my room and closed the door, trying not to look suspicious. I don't know why, but I locked the door. My room smelled like chemicals so somebody probably cleaned out the blood for me.

Tears were flooding my eyes and I couldn't really breathe. My anxiety and panic attacks had never been this bad.

I heard Darry calling me, but I couldn't leave in this state. I just hoped that he would leave me alone so I could recover.

"Kat!" I heard Darry's voice call again. There was no way he was going to leave me alone. I just hugged my pillow to keep myself calm. I was crying at this point. I heard a quiet knock on the door.

"Kit Kat, I know what's happening, man. Let me in." Johnny said. My body was shaking so much, I didn't think I could get up. I just wanted to be alone.

I heard the door knob jiggle. Then it stopped, before it started again. Soon it opened. Johnny had picked the lock.

I was in tears and it felt like there was something blocking my throat. I started coughing when he closed the door behind him.

"Kit Kat, it's okay. You're gonna be fine." He said.

"What about you?" I asked, choking on my own voice. He was silent for only a moment.

"I'm gonna be fine, man. Don't worry 'bout me." He said.

"Johnnycakes, I have never had a panic attack this bad. I can barely breathe." I said, getting short on breath.

"I need to get Darry, he'll know what to do."  Johnny said, getting up.

"N-No, you can't." I pleaded. I looked at him with teary eyes. He looked back.

"Fine, but I'm getting Sodapop." Johnny said, leaving the room.

At this point, every time I tried to take a deep breath, I coughed. More tears filling my eyes every time.

Johnny came running back into the room with Soda behind him. Soda knelt down beside me and hugged me.

I was taken to see some kind of doctor a while back when my parents were still alive. I had medication, but I just stopped taking it after they died. I had no determination to and I never liked it anyways.

I didn't realize that my mood had changed until Darry was yelling at me a few weeks after the crash. He asked me why I was acting so differently so suddenly. I then realized, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be forced to take the medication again.

I knew getting off the medication was dangerous, but I just stopped. I haven't taken it since and my symptoms are getting bad again. 

That night, just to make sure I was okay, Johnny slept on the floor in my room. I told him he didn't need to and that he could sleep on the couch. He stayed with me anyway.

"Kit Kat?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I responded tiredly. 

"Do ya know if Diana likes me? Does she like like me?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I still think you should ask her out." I said. I didn't want to tell him that she liked him. I wanted him to be surprised. 

We were silent for a few minutes. I was almost asleep. I could practically feel myself being pulled into a dream.

"Kit Kat?" Johnny asked again, almost making me jump.

"Yes Johnnycakes?" I replied.

"How am I gonna ask her out? I know nothing about love, man." He stated.

"Just speak your heart and look cute. Girls go crazy for that." I said.

"Do ya like anybody?" He asked, suspiciously.

"No." I said, firmly.

"Then how do ya know this stuff?" He asked suspiciously.

"Girls just gain the knowledge somehow." I shrugged.

"Okay, man." He said.

"Goodnight Johnnycakes." I whispered.

"G'night Kit Kat." Johnny whispered back.

I fell asleep thinking about Johnny and Diana. They had to end up together. They both secretly liked the other and I couldn't tell them. It was almost painful, but in a good way. I loved seeing them be so happy about each other. Tomorrow, I was going to help them get together.

I'll be a matchmaker.

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