Chapter 6 (Edited)

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I never told Soda about what happened. He asked a few more times, but I still didn't say. I didn't even know why I was so angry about everything. 

I left home earlier than usual that morning because I didn't want to be alone with Pony. I took my blade so I could defend myself against any crazy Socs. I'm just expecting it at this point.

I have nothing against Pony, but I knew he would keep pestering me about what happened and that was the last thing I needed. 

When I was in class, I sat in my seat and ignored Pony. He sat next to me because he didn't have many friends. If any. Not that I had any either.

"Class, we have a new student, this is Diana." Mr. Hudson said, gesturing towards where I assumed she was standing.

With that name, she has to be a Sociest Soc ever, I thought to myself. I looked over at her and I wasn't sure about what I was seeing. I needed to take a double take.

She was dressed exactly like your average Greaser. She had jeans, a plain gray shirt, and a jean jacket. She had a wolf cut hair style and it was obviously greasy. (A/N Sorry, I know the wolf cut wasn't really a part of this time, but my friend REALLY wanted to be in this book). 

I then knew she had to be a Greaser. There was no way any Soc would even dare talk to her. I was just in shock.

"Why don't ya sit with Katrina and Ponyboy." Mr. Hudson said, gesturing over to us. The class collectively sighed as a group since they were all Socs.

I really wanted to talk to her, but I'm scared of talking to new people and making friends. I just needed to be brave. I took a deep breath as Diana sat down behind me.

"Hello." She said, smiling.

"Hi." I said, trying to keep my speaking at a minimum. I didn't want to seem nervous by stuttering. I probably already sounded like a fool. If not, I surely looked like one. (A/N, literally me).

"So, you're Katrina." She said.

"Call me Kat." I said, trying to smile to hide my nervousness.

"I am Ponyboy, but you can call me Pony." He said. 

"Ya'll are Greasers, right?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah." I said. Great, I sounded nervous.

"I heard about ya'll. Ya'll aren't bad like the Socs." She said.

"H-How do you know that?" I asked.

"Oh, I used to visit here during the summer to see all my cousins and other family. They all live down here. My parents finally decided it was time to be with family." She explained.

"Well, welcome to Tulsa." I said.

"Thanks." She said.

Diana and I became great friends throughout the day. We were talking every second. The looks that all the girls gave her made us laugh. They were giving these 'how could you be a Greaser' mixed with disgusted looks.

"Hey, wanna come over to my house after school?" I asked, really excited about making a friend.

"Sure." She said, brightly. She had a happy tone that reminded me of Soda. Happiness was practically her whole personality. That was until we were walking home with Pony.

These Socs were following us and picking on us until Diana had enough. She seemed pretty annoyed with them. It was pretty easy to tell for me because I could read people like a book.

"Just shut the fuck up and walk away!" She yelled suddenly. Pony and I exchanged looks before looking at her.

"Sorry, I don't take shit. Something you need to know." She said.

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