Chapter 15 (Edited)

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A/N Brooo, 171 views?! That is insane! I am sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was really tired and feeling sick. I am still sick, but not too sick to write. Love ya'll soooooo much <3

New A/N: Guys I can't believe my eyes. When I got to this chapter, I had 171 views. Now it has 18,458 views. I am so happy! I've made so much progress and frankly, I am just so thankful for ALL the readers, followers, voters, and commentors (Don't know how to spell it). Anyways, love ya'll. Stay Gold, Stay Shining, and pity the backseat.

I was in my room, alone in my bed. I could finally sleep in and have nothing to worry about. I was awake at 6:30 because that was when I usually woke up to get ready for school.

I heard a knock on my door. Who could be awake at a time like this? Besides Darry. He was probably telling me he was going to work or something.

"Come in." I said tiredly, since I just woke up a few minutes ago. The tiredness in my voice would probably be there all morning.

"Hey, I have to go to work soon, but I was thinkin' of signing ya up for-" Darry started to say before I cut him off.

"You're not signin' me up for any stupid activities this summer." I said, angrily.

"Kat, if ya wanna go to college, we need to get you the scholarships." Darry said.

"I don't care about college. After high school, I'm done." I said, firmly.

"Listen, Soda and I gave up everything for you and Pony to go to college and succeed." Darry said sternly, raising his voice.

"How 'bout you listen? There is nothing I want to do after high school. No career path, no school, nothin'." I said, also raising my voice. Soda and Pony then peeked their heads in. I guess Darry and I forgot my door was wide open.

"Ya don't have to do the activities, but ya are going to college after high school." Darry said, trying not to yell at this point.

"Wanna bet?" I asked, snottily.

"Would ya'll relax? It's early." Pony said. He sounded like he just woke up.

"I mean, it's her choice Darry. At least she wants to finish high school. Better than what I did." Soda said. I smiled at him trying to defend me.

"Soda, I am tired of you takin' their sides! Just stay outta this. Both of you." Darry said pointing at Soda and Pony.

"Well, I'm not stayin' in it, see ya later." I said, standing up and walking out. I grabbed my blade and jacket on my way to the door.

I get that Darry cares and wants me to succeed. He just needs to respect that I don't wanna go to college. There is no point in wasting money on me if Pony really wants to go and we don't have money for both him and me. I know that probably won't happen, but if it does, I would want Pony to go over me.

I would honestly be fine working at the DX with Soda and Steve, or working at The Dingo. I don't care anymore. I am not going to be successful and I have to live with it.

After an hour of walking around, I figured it was time to go back. Darry had to be in work by now and nobody would bother me.

I walked back into the house and went to my room. I then started thinking about if I did go to college. What would I do? Why would I go?

Great, now Darry is starting to get into my head. I just plopped down on my bed, grabbed a pillow, and put it over my face. I screamed into it to muffle my frustration, then threw my pillow across the room.

I felt myself having a harder time breathing. I knew that a panic attack could be coming. I took deep breaths and tried to relax myself.

I thought about Johnny and Diana. Just the thought of them made me happy and relaxed. I calmed myself down a little. (Also, I don't think I ever mentioned it, but Diana is fourteen years old because Kat skipped two grades. It may seem weird still, but Kat also has a summer birthday, so Diana will be close to turning 15). Then there was a knock on the door.

"What?" I groaned, with frustration. I didn't mean to make it come out like that. Johnny walked in.

"Did I make ya mad or somethin'? If I did, I'm sorry." Johnny said.

"Oh no, I'm not mad at you Johnnycakes, I just have a lot on my mind at the moment." I said apologetically. I sat up.

"Oh, then what's up?" He asked. I sighed and looked down at my feet. He sat down next to me.

"Tell me what's wrong, Kit Kat." Johnny said.

"I got in a fight with Darry." I said, still looking at my feet.

"About what?" He asked.

"He wanted me to do some random activity and I said no. Then he went ranting about me going to college and I told him I was done after high school. We had a whole argument about it. I have been thinking about it ever since." I explained.

"Well, at least you're finishing high school." Johnny shrugged.

"That's what Soda said, but Darry didn't listen. Like always." I mumbled the last part.

"It's gonna be okay, man." Johnny said, reassuringly.

"That's what I think every time. It is never the truth. Everything comes back together, then falls apart again. It's all my fault." I said, in tears. I felt so guilty.

If only I did something more that day. The day my parents died. If I was able to help them out faster. The train wouldn't have killed them.

If only I wasn't so stubborn and full of myself. I am the bad guy and I will always be the bad guy. I was nothing but a problem.

My breathing was starting to worsen a little. Barely noticeable, for the exception of Johnny, Soda, and I, who knew the early signs.

No, not now, I thought. I don't want to worry Johnny or make everyone think I want attention. That was always a big worry of mine.

"Kit Kat, are ya alright, man?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, yeah. All fine." I said, trying not to sound panicked. That didn't work.

"Be honest with me, are you having a panic attack?" Johnny asked, worriedly. I didn't say anything. I didn't do as much as a simple head nod. I just sat there with steadily worsening breath.

"Kit Kat?" Johnny asked, getting more worried than usual. I stayed silent. Soon I was crying. Johnny was hugging me, which was usually enough. This time it wasn't.

"I need to call someone." Johnny said, practically sprinting out of the room. I couldn't even tell him not to go.

I didn't even realize how much time passed. Next thing I knew, Soda was here with us, but he wasn't helping much either.

He kept telling me to take deep breaths, which I did. He told me everything was okay, but I didn't really believe that. I just kept breathing in and out until I was calm.

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