Chapter 8 (Edited)

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"J-Johnny." I stuttered.

"Kit Kat, what is it?" He asked, concerned. 

"There is a twenty-something year old Soc out here." I said, nervously.


"I said there's a twenty-something year old Soc. He's checking out the house..." I took a deep shaky breath. Johnny was silent for a moment.

"Johnny, I'm scared." I bit my lip.

He walked over and grabbed my arm. "We should go to your room and think of a plan." He suggested.

"Okay...yeah, let's do-let's do that." I stumbled over my words. We both made our way to my room. I shut my door and locked it.

Johnny ran over to my window, double-checked the lock, then closed the curtains. I was pacing around before I decided to grab my blade off of my nightstand and put it in my pocket.

I was scared shitless. What did he want and why was he here? I've never even seen the guy before.

Johnny and I climbed into my closet for extra safety. 

I suddenly heard a loud bang and I gasped, covering my mouth immediately. I wanted to cry. I knew he was in the house and he was going to find us.

I felt tears going down my face, but I didn't want to make a sound. Johnny noticed me shaking and hugged me tight.

I was breathing heavily, almost hyperventilating, but I needed to remain quiet. I shoved my head into Johnny's chest, hoping it would muffle the sound of my breathing and cause him to comfort me.

The doorknob rattled. I squeezed my eyes shut. I just couldn't believe it was happening. There was banging.

"Hey! I know you're in there!" The Soc yelled. He was right outside my bedroom door. I felt my face lose all it's color.

There was a loud bang, like he had tried to break open the door. He didn't get in, but I was still horrified.

"If he gets in, we have to be ready to fight back." Johnny whispered. His voice was slightly shaky, but he sounded confident, like he was ready to fight. Johnny is a kind, quiet kid. Him acting like this scares me a little.

I nodded and did my best not to cry. The last thing we needed was to be found. I pulled out my blade for protection. I hugged it tight to my chest. 

The door burst open and I screamed. I didn't mean to and it was a reflex. We were going to have to fight. 

Neither me nor Johnny were the fighting type. I could win a fight. An argument, I could, since I have them daily with my brothers. Johnny was never a big fan of fights. Even before those Socs jumped him several months ago.

The closet door swung open and I jumped at the guy immediately, surprising myself. I don't even know what was going through my mind, but I needed to fight. I was punching the guy, kicking the guy, everything. He still overpowered me which was not a surprise. He was a lot older than me.

That was when Johnny jumped at the Soc with his blade, pushing him off of me. I blinked a few times, shook my head, and went to get up again. When I looked back at Johnny, I saw a shocking sight. Johnny was just standing there with his blade, which was now covered in blood.

"Johnny, are ya alright?" I asked.

No answer.

"Johnny?" I asked.

"I don't know, man. I think I just killed him..." He said, trailing off.

My eyes went wide. I slowly looked over at the body. Blood was pouring out and pooling around him. He was dead. 

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