Chapter 18 (Edited)

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I decided to spend my first days of vacation relaxing. I mean doing absolutely nothing but sitting around and talking to whoever came over.

I woke up at around 10:00 in the morning. My hair was a disaster and I was still exhausted from last night's trip to the Drive In. I didn't even bother fixing myself up a little before going into the kitchen for breakfast.

Soda was sitting down on the couch. He looked like he was ready to go to work, but something was missing. Steve!

"Where's Steve?" I asked.

"I don't know, I'm waiting for-" He stopped himself from speaking. He snickered.

"I know I look like a wreck, but laugh like that again and I will knock your head in." I said.

"Jeez, okay." Soda said, putting his hands up in surrender.

I grabbed some leftover pancakes from the fridge. I definitely woke up way later than everyone else. I took some out and started heating them up in the microwave. Best invention ever. 

While they were heating up, I got changed and did a quick brush through of my hair. I was going to brush my teeth after eating because what kind of psychopath can brush their teeth before eating, like that's nasty. I also need to shower, but might as well do that tonight.

I got some maple syrup and drizzled it on my pancakes. I was never big on the idea of drowning my pancakes in syrup. I could never. The very thought makes me nauseous.

I ate pretty quickly so I could figure out what I was going to do with my day. I had a lot of time and nothing to do.

I decided to look for Johnny and Pony so we could go to the lake. That is, if Johnny didn't have a date with his special lady. I smiled at the thought of Johnny and Diana.

I finished eating, then went to my room to change. Then I brushed my teeth. Whether they were coming or not, I was going to the lake.

I put on my one piece bathing suit. I hate two pieces a lot. They never looked good on me. When other boys saw me, Soc or Greaser, they would whistle and I hated it. Even Steve, Two, and Dallas couldn't stop looking. My brothers were yelling at them constantly. Never again.

I put on some black shorts with a black tee shirt. I put on a black headband, but not a bandana like usual. My hair was pretty short, but it was just long enough to put in a small ponytail.

"Back to all black I see." Soda said as I walked back in.

"Yeah, like usual." I said. He chuckled.

"If Steve doesn't get here in five minutes, I am leaving. Would ya let him know to go if I am not here?" Soda asked.

"I would, but I have stuff to do." I said, stuffing my blade in my pocked for protection.

"Like what? It's vacation." Soda said.

"Just because I have no school, doesn't mean I have no life." I said, almost laughing.

"I didn't mean it like that." He said defensively.

"Relax, I'm playin'." I said.

"Just go." He said, laughing.

"Yep, thanks." I said, walking out the door.

I went to the lot because that was where Johnny and Pony hung out a lot. I made a good guess because there they were.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed, sprinting over.

"Hey, Kit Kat." Johnny said.

"Ya woke up really late." Pony said.

"Well no shit, it's vacation." I said, giggling. Pony then frowned a little. Barely noticeable, but I noticed.

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