Chapter 17 (Edited)

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I just got my first ever vote on this story. In fact, my first vote on ANY of my stories. Thanks so much because it means a lot to me. Also I have 207 reads. Love ya'll <3

Wow, 18,502 views and 125 votes. Damn, it means a lot to have grown so much from this story and has a writer. Just rewriting the books, fixing everything I don't like, it feels great to do it.

After the movie, Diana and I were crying. It was so sad. Most of the gang thought it was funny we were crying and made fun of us. Except for Johnny. Soda made fun of us in a joking way.

"Why was this so much sadder than the book?" Diana cried. 

"I don't know, man." I responded. We were hugging each other until we stopped crying.

"Why are men so emotionless?" I asked the gang on the way home.

"Cause we're tuff." Steve said, flexing his muscles. I rolled my eyes and started laughing at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothin', ya just look so scrawny." I joked. He didn't actually, but I loved getting on his nerves.

"Oh, you've done it now Kid Curtis." He said, starting to chase me. I started running at full speed, knowing he would never be able to catch me.

"Steve, I wouldn't-never mind." I heard Pony say as Steve and I ran ahead.

I got to the house a full two minutes before Steve. He looked like he was ready to drop dead.

"You got skill...Kid Curtis." He said winded.

"You don't." I said, smirking.

"Sometimes, I miss when you were an innocent girl who never left her room." He said.

"Sometimes, I do too. Do you know how much work it is to be this annoying?" I laughed.

The gang finally made it after what seemed like forever. Except for Johnny and Diana, they were missing.

"Where's Johnnycakes and Diana?" I asked.

"They fell behind, probably making out." Two joked. Then I saw them in the distance, talking.

"Hey, ya two lovebirds better get your asses down here!" I yelled. Darry gave me a 'ya know I hate it when ya do that' look.

He doesn't like it when I swear, but he doesn't try to stop me anymore. I just smirked at him. Johnny and Diana paused right outside the gate. The whole gang was their audience.

"Well, see ya soon, Cupcake." Johnny said to Diana. I'll help him come up with more unique pet names later.

"See ya, Johnnycakes." She said. They both just stared at each other for a second.

"I love you." Diana said, smiling nervously.

"I love you too." Johnny said nervously. That was when Diana kissed him on the lips and he kissed back. 

The gang, for the second time that night, cheered them on. They looked at each other for a second, both turning red. Diana then left, practically skipping. She kept eyeing me and smiling. Johnny was blushing hard.

"Johnnycakes got himself a broad!" Dally cheered.

"What did it feel like?" Pony asked him.

"I don't know how to put it into words." Johnny mumbled. He was smiling and hadn't stopped. It made me smile and we all went inside.

I was super tired from the day, so I went into my room and immediately collapsed. I was exhausted so I fell asleep really quickly.

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