Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Dally, Steve, and Two came back with serious looks on their faces. They all just sat down in different spots around the room.

The whole room fell silent. Everyone started looking at each other waiting to see if someone was going to talk. Nobody did.

"It's time to go to the Drive-In." Soda said, breaking the silence.

"Should we really go?" Pony asked.

"I am not going to sit here in silence and wait for Darry to get here. We need to have some fun. We are not going to let the dead Soc-" Soda got cut off.

"Just shut up about it, man! I don't need to remember!" Johnny yelled, shocking everybody in the room.

"Great!" I yelled standing up. "As if this situation isn't bad enough for everybody in the room right now, we are just going to argue! Just relax! For once, I would like to hear ANYTHING other than arguing!" I yelled, walking out. At that point I needed a break. I just grabbed my blade and left.

I hate getting into arguments and I hate it when the people I love fight. I knew it wasn't really a fight, but I didn't want to see it turn into one. That was what always happened in our house.

Somebody says something that pisses someone else off causing an argument. I could never watch my closest brother and best friend fight. Not that I think they would, but stress tends to do that to people.

After a while, I decided that it was time to return home. It had been a half an hour so things should've calmed down a little bit. I walked back inside with my head low. I didn't want to talk to anybody. I then noticed Johnny and Pony were gone. That wasn't good.

Diana was also gone, but I kind of figured she had to go home because hopes of going to the Drive-In diminished for everyone.

Dallas kind of just glared at me. I couldn't tell if he was mad at me or something else. It sure as hell looked like he was mad at me though.

"Dally, can I talk to ya alone for a sec?" Soda asked, getting up. Dally shrugged and walked into the kitchen quietly.

"Shit." I heard Steve mutter and both he and Two left as well. They were both lucky enough to have places to go back to tonight. As far as I know, Steve is allowed to go home at the moment. His father was always changing his mind though.

The thing about private conversations in this house, the walls are thin and I have pretty good hearing.

"Listen, don't yell at her. She has been through enough and I don't need her blaming herself for Johnny running out." I heard Soda say. Oh shit, I didn't think of him when I left, he's blaming himself. 

I am not going to deny that it is my fault because he is sensitive. I probably shouldn't have yelled the stuff I did. I needed to make it right, but I needed a little more context. So I kept eavesdropping. 

"I am extremely worried about Johnny, man. He isn't in the lot and I don't want him to be back in that house. Who else am I gonna blame?" Dallas stated.

"Blame that no good Soc if you really need to. I can't watch any more fights. I'm gonna lose it if I do." Soda said.

"Fine, but I need to go look for Johnny." Dallas said. When I heard them coming back, I ran out, right as I was back in their view. I was the one who caused this, I was the one who needed to fix it.

"Kat!" Soda yelled, running after me. Not gonna lie, he is actually slow as fuck. I decided to go full speed anyway to completely lose him. I needed to find Johnny. My worst fear was that he was back in his home. If that is really what you want to call it. More like his parents' home. 

After Soda was far behind me, I circled back towards Johnny's house. I needed to somehow make sure that he wasn't there, I wouldn't be too worried if he wasn't there.

There he was, pacing around his yard. He was alone and he looked nervous. I ran over to him.

"Johnny, I am sorry for upsetting ya, please come back." I said.

"Kat, I ain't mad at ya, okay man?" He asked me.

"W-Why'd ya go then? Especially back here." I asked.

"I just...just needed some time. I was hoping my parents would let me in tonight, but they are fighting and I don't wanna try while they are fighting." He said.

"Johnny, ya can't go back there." I said, sincerely.

"Why not, they care. They just get mad..." He trailed off.

"Trust me, they don't care. They aren't your true family, we are. Me, Dallas, Pony, the whole gang. Just come back with me." I pleaded. I wouldn't survive if he went back into that house. I would never forgive myself if he got hurt in there. Or worse.

We started the short walk back to my house. It was supposed to rain tonight and I wasn't going to let Johnny sleep in the lot.

He kept telling me he would be fine, but he just hates being a bother. I don't want him to freeze out here. That was when I saw Soda running back toward the house. That was until he saw us. He ran over.

"Kat, why'd ya run away like that?" He asked.

"When you have a private conversation, talk quietly." I said, avoiding eye contact with him. "I know Dally is mad at me and I don't blame him."

"Johnnycakes, you can stay on the couch tonight, Darry won't mind." Soda said. Johnny nodded and went inside. 

Just then Dallas appeared. He started storming over.

"Hey, I still can't find Johnny. If he is back in that house, I will beat your ass, kid." Dally said.

"Hey chill, he's inside Dal." Soda said. Then Dally went inside.

"All I do is cause trouble." I said.

"Listen, just relax. Remember that we still have to tell Darry about the Soc." Soda said.

"How can I forget?" I asked, sarcastically. We both went inside and sat down in the kitchen.

I didn't know how the next hour would play out, but I needed to keep my cool. I just sat at the table with Soda. He saw my worry and gave me a weak smile. Even he was nervous.

I smiled back and just looked down. I thought of every way this could go wrong. Too many scenarios to go into detail.

At this point, the whole gang was just sitting around, with the exception of Diana. I considered her to be a part now that she was officially roped into our shit. Soda and I were back in the living room on the floor. Then the door opened.

Everyone glared nervously at the door as Darry entered. He didn't notice at first, but when he did, he froze and stared at us.

"What did ya'll do?" He asked, seriously.

I felt my face losing color and I had a nervous feeling inside. I knew this had to be done, but I was scared. What was Darry going to think? What was he going to do? Was he going to hate Johnny? Well of course not, nobody could hate Johnny. Except for Socs and his evil parents. They shouldn't even be considered his parents.

"Johnny killed a Soc." I mumbled.

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