Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Spring Break is over tomorrow. I don't want to go back to school. 

Geometry was easily the worst subject. It made no sense to me. I only did good enough to get an A- because I practiced hard. I could do problems, but it made no sense to me.

Also the people suck. I get bullied a lot. That's how it has always been. Once I was an official member of the Greasers, I got bullied the worst. Mostly by Soc girls.

Our school is split into three main parts. Greasers, Socs, and Middle Class. Nobody really had a choice. If you're rich, you're a Soc. If you're poor, you're a Greaser. If you're somewhere in the middle, you're Middle Class.

Pony and I spent most of our time together in school. Sometimes we would hang around other Greasers. Not a lot though because we never crossed paths with them in places other school and the occasional rumble.

Luckily, Me and Pony were in the same class this year. I only started high school with Pony because I got put up two years. I was really smart for my age. Pony was the same way, he got put up a year too.

It's not like I had an attachment to anybody anyways. I don't make friends very easily. I was pretty happy because Pony and I would have each other. Our parents thought it was for the best. It was true.

Pony was a little sick the next day, so I had to go to school without him. I hated those days because I had nobody to talk to. I was defenseless against bullying when he was gone.

The large mark on my face from the punch didn't last as long as I thought it would. It was almost gone by the time I had to go to school. Darry had never even noticed it. Probably because he was tired from work.

The mark just looked like my cheek was slightly flushed, although splotchy. Either way, it looks more natural now.

I was walking to my first class of the day when some Soc kids came running behind me. They grabbed me. I started trying to fight back, but I wasn't able to. There were three of them, all pushing me.

They pushed me into a storage room and locked it from the outside. I kept trying to bang on the door, but nobody was around to open it. I eventually gave up and just sat there.

I took my book Gone With The Wind and started to read. Pony recommended it to me and it was actually really good.

If I can't go to class, then I can at least do something productive. I then decided to start doing extra schoolwork that wasn't due for another week. I even started doing some extra credit. I swear all my grades went up while I was in that storage closet.

I then heard the sound of the last bell of the day. I started banging on the door and screaming. Nobody seemed to care.

"Hey! Let me out!" I screamed. I was screaming until there was nobody left roaming the halls. Was I going to have to stay here tonight?

I lost hope and I started crying a little. Not full sobs, but tears were going down my face. I was also really hungry because I never got the chance to eat.

I was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall. Every other day, custodians would clean, but I didn't know if today was one of those days. I would be able to leave if it was a cleaning day, if not, I was stuck.

A custodian then opened the door. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I had my hood on though, so he wouldn't recognize me if he knew me.

"Are ya okay, miss?" He asked. I just got up and ran. Tears were strolling down my face, but I didn't stop. I didn't stop running until I made it back home.

Before I could even get to the door, it opened. Darry was on the other side. He seemed mad until he saw my tear stained face.

"Kat? What happened?" He asked.

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