Chapter 70: Returning and Leaving

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In time Kyle and Jess walked back to the camp, both of them barely reaching where I and their older siblings stood, and breaking down. Judith carried Kyle as Jaden carried Jessica.

I wanted to go with one of them but... they were not the ones who needed me. I looked up at the man... Joran. I had compared him to mass murderers and... maybe I was right. I felt a churning in my stomach. He didn't deserve my pity. He deserved my derision, maybe even my hate. He and his militaries laid waste to so many families.

He walked towards me, eyes empty. I didn't know what he and his son were even able to talk about. The day before I could sense it. Even if Kyle had said he no longer disowned his father, there was a barrier between them still. This man had no wife, no son- I could only guess his parents had passed away.

He walked past me, a lifeless hand just passing over my shoulder like he barely knew I was there.

I clenched my fist.

Really? Him? Why couldn't I comfort the goof, Jessica? Why not the brave doubter? Why did I have to be there for the man who was behind who knew how much of all this tragedy?

In my mind, a voice, maybe my own thoughts, maybe an angel's voice, spoke. 'He was a father to one and a caretaker to the other. There goes the only reason your heroes are even alive.'

I ran after him and took his hand. He looked down at me as I squeezed it, giving him the most genuine smile I could muster. I stayed quiet.

"What of all this do you even understand?" he asked. "I... you don't know who I am." I could feel a gentle tug, but he didn't fully pull away, instead, he held my hand back. "Why can't I have a simple answer?" He closed his eyes, then looked at the younger people as they kept walking away. "Where did I go wrong? Did I ever go right? I had to be right somewhere- right? No one is always wrong." I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. "The Purge... was it wrong? I didn't initiate it- I didn't... I did join it. I did continue it." He licked his lips a few times as it seemed his mouth was going dry. "I just wanted to protect this world. That was all I wanted. Maybe... I got lost along the way but... the gargoyles really were poised to... I can see the bodies all around me, of all the dead that would have been stacked if we hadn't intervened. And yet... are the bodies I'm seeing those that weren't stacked... or those that I stacked?"

I was just silent.

"You can't tell me... I don't know if anyone can tell me. What was I... what were any of us supposed to do? Am I supposed to hate my brothers-in-arms? We were sent to protect the world of our ancestors. We were sent to stop the bloodshed before it happened... and no one will thank us. The people we fought for will only hate us... why is it like this?" He shook his head, "If I'm miserable, confused, and scared- that's what I deserve right? Is that right?"

Just looking at him... I had never questioned what he thought. The villain of the story.

I heard a quiet voice, 'His love is for everyone, even the worst of sinners.' I knew that voice.

'Hey Thor,' I thought.

I put my other hand on the hand in mine and held it firmly until Joran looked down at me. I looked into the face of the murderer. "God loves you. He loves you... He does."

The man tried to look away but looked back at me several times. Finally, he looked forward and shook off my hands. "Right... right well... you can't really do anything..." He took a step, but then stopped. "You really think he does?" He looked back at me. I nodded. "Well... maybe that counts for something... you thinking that. Maybe that counts for something." He walked on, leaving me with my thoughts.

I reached out my hand and felt a hand hold it. It was a hand I couldn't see. I didn't know whose it was this time... but it didn't matter. It was an angel standing in His stead, or it was He Himself. God was with me. I smiled.


That afternoon, myself, Jessica and Jaden rode in a van to my home. Jessica had to help with directions to where we needed to go, as I had only been out this way so many times. Still, when we started to turn down familiar streets, the excitement started building in my chest.

Jaden was wearing a police uniform, like those of the local officers.

I saw my parents walking home and shouted that there they were.

Suddenly Jaden hit the gas and sped towards them. Mom and dad spun around in alarm as the car turned suddenly and stopped next to them, almost on the sidewalk.

"What is wrong with you!?" I almost shouted.

"They'll forgive me," Jaden said with a grin. Without another word he threw open his door and jumped out, moving quickly around the front of the vehicle. I heard my father demand what Jaden thought he was doing.

"We come here from the Congo, yes we are from outside your country, but this does not mean that you... that you..." but Jaden had not even bothered to listen, opening the door to the back and me.

Mom and dad froze, looking at me. I froze. A part of me had been so scared- terrified really. I had run for my life out there so many times. I had been afraid to see death or destruction so many times... but there they were at last. My parents.

I could see the tears in my mom's eyes and watched my dad's demeanor change on a dime. He grabbed Jaden by the hand and started speaking differently. "You... you bring back my boy... you... you need to learn to drive better but... you are... you are angel."

"No, he's not one of those, trust me," Jessica said behind me, as I burst out of the car and ran to mom. "I'm his little sister. I know a thing or two about angels, oddly enough."

Jessica laughed, tears in her eyes, which looked to be a mix of sorrow and joy. I understood her feelings, but now, all I had was joy- I was home.

Jessica and her brother drove away. My father carried me, I waved at them over his shoulder, wondering to myself, when would I finally see them again?

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