Chapter 32: Negotiations

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This situation was degenerating- fast. I wasn't even sure Jeda meant to be seen as a threat, but the children had apparently decided she was. Then came along this Elain character and I could see the battle lines being drawn in everyone's minds.

There was not a single person there, save Tyrell, who I could beat in a fight, but still, I realized I was the only one who stood a chance at getting back control.

Jessica's statement made Dorn and Quarteen stand up, Quarteen looking more ready to reproach than battle, holding up a hand to caution everyone to stay seated, but I wasn't sure Jessie was in a mindset to understand that. Kyle's right hand was already on his sword and I could hear the hum of Xao's wrist device.

I held up my hand, a small metal pen in my hand, and flicked a switch on the steel implement. A loud laser shot into the sky, grabbing the attention of everyone in the camp before they could start to battle. "Alright!" I shouted. "Normally I would say that coming here was a mistake, but none of us have a ton of options right now. If we come to blows I don't know who will survive."

"Amusing' that there ye figure yer crew can fare well enough to make that there a question," Jeda said, folding her arms.

"Well I do know our illusionist is top rate so- at least three of my team members aren't where they appear to be," I said, giving a small cocky grin to at least the image of J-Star. "Besides, it's not my team by any means. Kyle is the operations leader and were we to fight Jess would be in charge. I'm just a therapist."

"What kind o' combat unit brings a therapist along?" Jeda asked, trudging towards us.

"We're not a combat unit," I replied. "We're search and rescue." Jeda moved towards me, bearing down, only a few inches taller, but her demeanor made me feel like a kitten before a rottweiler. I stepped back as I smelled her breath on my face. "I... okay. Ya know, normally, your disposition might excite me as- best I can tell, you are just a Gordian knot of mental problems right now." She raised an eyebrow. "However, I would like some assurance you're not going to kill me."

Jeda stepped back, seeming to attempt to be less intimidating. The gesture helped but... "I guess I can come off a wee bit intense when I'm upset." I held my hand in between us, a cringe on my face and my index and thumb about an inch apart.

I sighed, regaining my composure as I turned to the other assembled storm walkers. "Look, I don't know what the rest of those here feel, but the children who arrived with me weren't really given a choice in coming today. Jeda here kept insisting Jess would come here if we liked it or not."

"Well, that there be 'ow things be," Jeda said, without missing a beat.

"And that's why we're all at odds. Are you really the leader here?" I asked.

"No, she's not," said Frace, not bothering to stand up, a note of disrespect in his voice. "We have a division of leadership here. Jeda is the head of hunting and the matriarch, she's over the women and children. I'm the chief and Carn is the head warrior."

"Well then tell me, from your mouth, as chief, are you really ready to forcefully adopt a child who already has a family?" I asked.

"Where are her mother and father?"

"Her father is dead and her mother is back home. Jessica and the others are an independent lot, but that doesn't mean they don't have a home to go to when their wanderings end."

"But Jessica is a storm walker, yes?" he asked. "And none in your group is the same. She could become a danger to herself and others without training." He nodded to himself. "Among other concerns."

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