Chapter 12: Daddy Viper

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"Oh wow," said the snake. "Such a tale- had it all- action, tragedy- and a deep delicious wound." He swiveled around Jessica one more time. "A worthy offering."

Tears were now streaming down Jessica's face as she stared bravely up at him.

"Hmm- let me tell you the story of what happened when your kind was made. This is all I know, and I'm interested to see how you react."



Thousands of years ago, I met them, your ancestors- I will translate their tongue.

They rode to the shores of this place, you call Denmark, on strange vessels, foreign to this region at the time. The strange ships actually sailed the skies. I say sailed, rather than flew, as the vehicles were actually built like chariots and seemed to float in the air. They set a massive fire on the lake to summon me and killed a beautiful girl.

That time, like many times, I considered ignoring the summon, but seeing the strange chariots floating in the sky, curiosity got the better of me. I rose from the depths.

Looking at the land, I saw an assembly of people, perhaps fifty or so, dressed in strange long skirts with blue and red capes or sashes. I believe now this dress is called a toga.

I roared into the air and most of the people on the beach scattered in fear, while many of the strange chariots drew closer, aiming large barrels at me. In time I would understand these barrels were cannons, but at the time, such things had not been invented by normal humans. Regardless, I felt no threat and in retrospect- that was the appropriate response.

Out of the scattering mass of human fear, three creatures strode toward me. I lowered my head down to see them up close.

The first was a well-built man, pale-skinned and with a large beard with several curls that came down to the middle of his neck. He carried a tall scepter, the height of his body, with an eagle on its head. Beside him was a woman with dark and curled hair that flowed past her shoulders. She held a long scepter as well, this one with a balled top. Finally there was another man who looked much like the first, but his dress was decidedly unique. Despite the bitter cold- which I myself rarely have occasion to concern myself with, but I do notice- his torso was bare and he held a trident.

The first man shouted to me with authority. "We are the gods of the nations of the Greeks. We have come to you to make an offering in exchange for a blessing."

I laughed. "You are not gods," I said. "You are men with... intriguing toys at best."

The man snapped his fingers. "Poseidon, he requires a demonstration."

"Oh do proceed, this should be- hilarious if nothing else," I said, shrinking down a bit and eyeing the man with the trident. The man walked forward, casually opening his arms and hands, his trident floating along over his head. He stepped onto the water and seemed to walk on the top of it.

The water under him swirled around, then rose up, spinning around his form. Soon enough this small water twister started to swirl high above his head, some six or so feet.

I sighed. It was impressive for a human but- I casually blew on him. The man was tossed back onto the beach, slamming into the frozen sand, bouncing as he impacted, and being forced to roll along the ground.

I laughed as he struggled to his feet. "Well, I mean, what did you expect?" I asked. "I assume you heard some legend of me, so you must know I'm not gentle and I'm not easily impressed." A mass of energy slammed into my head, forcing my entire body to move to the side as I let out a scream of anger.

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