Chapter 14: Celestial

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I couldn't believe it. One moment I was in that awful place with Maelstrom and the snake... spirit I guess? Now I was sitting outside the tents of my family group, moving what must have been miles all before Maelstrom had finished a sentence.

"I had to search your thoughts for a moment or two," the celestial being began. "But this-" he flew back, crashing into the ground and rolling several times. The angel recovered his feet and spread his wings, his war hammer back in his right hand as the snow settled around him.

I felt Xao's hand on mine. I grabbed him and shouted. "Everyone stop!" Xao appeared beside me, out of, I guessed, one of Jay's illusions.

I looked around. Kyle appeared several meters above me in a tree and Floreen stumbled out from the group, aiming a small pen at the celestial... yeah Xao waved her off, like me, hoping that she would just hide before she got hurt.

"Where's Tyrell?" I asked.

"He's back..." Kyle started, but he looked over at the angel. "Somewhere. First thing's first, what is that?"

At the moment the angel had the head of a man but still had his four wings. The being stood up straight, folding his wings back. "He's um... hear me out guys," I started hesitantly. "He's literally an angel." I got a few sideways smiles. "I know, bear with me... kinda expected he would have vanished when he wasn't needed or something but um- I don't know. He's a lot more... physical than I figured angels would be."

"Really?" Kyle asked. "Welp- she hit her head. Happens a lot, it seems." He pointed his lightning blade, Rita, at the creature.

"You can strike me a million times with that thing, it'll never make a difference," said the celestial creature. Kyle grinned.

"You saying I need to?" Kyle asked.

"No. But to be fair, it would be wise to save your strength for what is to come."

I looked up at Kyle, blinking a few times. "How... how did you get up there?"

"Look cool?" he asked. "A few jumps was all it took."

"And you're getting down how?" I continued. He bit his lip and looked down.

"Um... hold on..."

As he struggled, Xao walked over to me shaking his head. "He said it was a good vantage point as long as Jay's illusions were up." He pulled out of his bag some of our healing drugs. "Tyrell's ankle is finally healed, but I don't think he realizes we used these on him... I should note we don't have an unlimited supply. Anything stuck in you?"

"Don't think so," I replied. "Just overcharged a few times." I still hissed a bit when he injected me, but I was eager for the chemicals to work their magic and fix what I had done to my body.

Floreen looked at the angel. "An angel you say? Hm... well I must say I hope you're not lying because you're the find of the century- what am I saying? The find of the millennium. Can I take a picture?"

He looked her straight in the eyes and replied with a completely deadpan, "No."

"Ohhh..." she sighed. "You sure?" He just looked at her without blinking, standing and towering over her. "Well... you don't seem fond of our first meeting- but you will be talking to me a lot." Still wasn't blinking. "...Okay. In any case, the whole group here is Christian, minus tree boy back there," she thumbed over at Kyle as he was now using his belt to slowly get down by wrapping it around the tree trunk. "I feel like there'd be some familiarity between us and you."

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