Chapter 15: New Rules

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And then... I didn't feel her consciousness. Out loud I tried to wake her up. "Jess? Jess? You little twerp don't you just... you really think I should be the one talking to an angel and-" I looked over at Thor.

He had an eyebrow raised again. "She turned off?" He asked. I shrugged. "Well, you're certainly pitiable. However, I have little continued interest here." He turned to go.

"Thor... please don't go." I watched as the creature spread his wings, me pushing off of J-Star's shoulder. I stood awkwardly when Jay assented to let me. I put out a hand to grab him but just fell into the snow face-first. J-Star started to pick me up as I actually slapped the teen away. "No. He wants to leave, he can see what he's leaving behind. Thor- I'm the fighter of this group. You leave- you know how this ends."

The angel seemed to pause.

Jay grabbed me up again. "I'm sorry but we're going- shock me but I'm getting you up."

Thor bit his lip. "I don't KNOW that..." he said, responding to me. I allowed Jay to pick me back up.

"I do," I replied. "You were sent by God to save us right? I mean I guess that. Why else would you just show up? Your mission is to protect me right? You leave..."

"I'll say it again, we angels can make our own choices. I am not here on the direction of the Father. I saw you being so brave and true before that monstrous creature by the ocean and I had to help. It was like you spoke to me," he looked down, as if with some shame.

"God isn't angry with you, so His name doesn't cast you out but..." I closed my eyes. Of the two of us, Jess was the 'good little Christian', but I knew... enough... maybe. "In the name of Jesus, I command you, stay with us."

"You think you command me? As you are, you think you can-" he began, gritting his teeth, but I interrupted.

"You think I don't understand a chain of command?" I demanded. "By the blood of Jesus, I'm a daughter of the Most High. I outrank you." I felt a cringe but... well in for a penny and all. Maybe I was doing well?

"You... that's not exactly how that works," he said with a half smile. "You don't have a military rank, and you Christians are far from the first to be called sons of God." Thor clarified. "If you could command angels, don't you think you could have done so before?"

"I... yeah I wanted to try though," I admitted. 'Jess- c'mon. Isn't there like, a Bible verse that might apply here- maybe? I know we don't normally literally throw scripture at people but he's literally an angel. Jess? WAKE UP!'

"But the name of Jesus is higher than mine. You invoked it... you don't know what you just did."

I blinked... I liked the sound of that. I gave him a half smile. "Really? How about I do it again? In the name of Jesus, stay with us."

"Would you-!" He grabbed me around the mouth, even as I smiled under it. Finally, his confidence was cracking. "Look, please shut it before the hosts take notice."

"Hosts?" Kyle asked. He had been seeing our conversation from a distance, as an atheist, he was no doubt at a loss for words.

Thor sighed, letting go of my mouth- good thing too because boy was he about to get shocked and... yeah who was I kidding, I'd be lucky if that tickled. "There are many angelic factions, but the two biggest are the ones you probably already know about. You call them the armies of heaven and hell, we call them the hosts."

"As in the heavenly hosts?" Xao asked.

I interjected. "Can we please move and talk? Else I'm gonna start screaming for Jesus and we'll just see what happens." The angel let out a sigh but waved a hand forward.

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