Chapter 66: What Really Happened

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Venice actually helped bury my mother- my first mother. I sat on a hill, watching the proceedings as Jessica wept bitterly near the grave marker. The storm walkers allowed us to put Fay with their children.

My father sat next to me in the snow, holding me to his side. "So... god huh?"

"He exists... I guess. Seems the strongest possibility in the end."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know."

"You gonna... worship him or..."

"I don't think so. So what if He exists? He's just another element."

"Could I talk you down from believing in him?"

"In Him- maybe. Problem is, that only makes things worse. Like I said dad, there are things out there that make Maelstrom look like a bug. Things much older, tougher and with far more power. There are things that make that ion cannon you wanted to use look like you'd be bringing a baseball bat to a lightning blade fight."

"You sure?"

"I've talked to a few of them. I've seen them in action. The very idea that Triad is anywhere near ready to face what's out there is a joke."

"And the gargoyles? What have you seen of them?"

"I've seen good and evil. Supposedly they're doomed to fall into madness, every single one."

"Maelstrom makes you think otherwise?"

"Venice is the same age as Maelstrom. He strikes you as insane?"

Both my father and I looked up to see Venice standing over the grave of my mother. He had been standing there, barely moving, for what seemed like hours, tightening and relaxing his grip on his sword. "Doesn't seem like a pillar of sanity."

"If he had lost his mind, none of us would be alive right now."

"Is he that much more powerful than Maelstrom? Didn't seem to be winning earlier."

"He radically altered the dynamics of that fight either way. Pure power isn't all that matters."

"True enough." Dad looked down, squeezing his eyes shut as I just kept my eyes on my first mother's grave. "I don't know that I'm ready to change Kyle. I've seen a lot of gargoyles too. I've seen them hurt people. I've seen them relish killing... I will let you go your way and I go mine here..."

"And you will leave Venice alone?"

"If we meet again I make no guarantees, but today he will leave unmolested. There will be no attempts to track him down. We owe him that much."

"And... my family? We've kinda committed treason so..."

He just paused. "I... I might even understand what you've done- but I do believe in what I did. Could you really respect me if I gave up on my beliefs before someone really challenges them? Are you ready to provide that challenge?"

"Probably not on your level. Maybe you could talk to Venice?"

"I had that idea. He told me he knew who I was and advised me that if I wanted to keep my head I would keep my distance."

"So still- I'm not going to let you hurt Jess or my other siblings."

"You know you don't stand a chance against me and what I can bring to bear."

"You know me. You tell me, you think that will stop me from fighting back?"

He sighed and looked on at the grave. Finally, after a few tense moments, he stood up and said, "I don't want to fight. You don't want to fight. Believe what you want, rescue and hide what you want, I'll leave it be. Throw the first punch and I'll finish whatever conflict you start." He started walking away. "I'm compromising 'cause I love you, doesn't mean I'm backing down."

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