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The train was about to leave the station. Sensei and Nodoka were asleep on their seats. It was Arona's voice shouting them up that kept them from missing their stop. A heat wave hit them as they left the air-conditioned train. Nodoka was drenched in sweat. It didn't take long for her to ask where she was. A desert surrounded them.

''Welcome to Abydos....''

The counselor advised her to take off her hat, take off her coat and get ready to walk a lot. They had alighted at one of the Abydos stations, but not the one Sensei knew. An hour later they were both sitting on the ground unable to move a muscle and not knowing which was the right way. Arona could not plot a route to the school.

The intense heat was affecting the Shittim Chest. They heard the tinkling of a bell. It was refreshing. They both imagined themselves under an umbrella on the beach eating a raspado.


''Shiroko!'' Sensei hugged his student's legs.

''Wh-wh-wh-wh-what are you doing?!''

''Sensei! Who is she?! The only legs you should be hugging are mine! Even if I'm not mentally prepared for that...'' She said whispering the last line.

Shiroko and Nodoka exchanged glances. Suddenly sparks could be seen sparking between the two of them. Sensei introduced Nodoka with Shiroko and vice versa. The two shook hands. Sensei couldn't breathe because of the heavy atmosphere between the two of them... And because of the heat and thirst he was feeling. He fell into a sitting position. Shiroko took a bottle he was carrying on his bicycle.

''I just drank some water... I hope not...''

Nodoka snatched the bottle from him and took a big gulp.

''I'm sorry Sensei for doing that. I was very thirsty... Take...'' She tried to give it back to her companion.

The cyclist took it from her and angrily drank a good amount of water as well. Red Winter's student was dumbfounded. Shiroko was about to give her the bottle when Nodoka again took it from her. In a few seconds they drank the water between the two of them while Sensei could only watch as the bottle was passed from one hand to the other... He had to be carried unconscious to school on bicycle.

Birds sang in the distance. The sun was breaking through the thin curtains which the wind was making dance with each blow. The light hit Sensei's whole body. A current of air was constantly coming and going. It was very refreshing. It almost seemed like a dream. The consultant was lying on three chairs. He felt very comfortable. Sensei opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Nonomi's smiling face.

''Good morning, Sensei!'' She said in her sweet, soothing voice.

The educator sat up, wiping one of his eyes.

''Where am I, Nonomi?''

''In the club room.''

She gave a long yawn and asked where the others were.

''Hoshino-senpai is here.''

Under the table, the club president was laid with a blanket.

''She looks like a cat,'' He said stroking Hoshino's hair.


The others went to get food. Ah, they must be back by now.

Serika's scolding could be heard coming from the hallway. The first to arrive was Shiroko, she had a box of ramen in each hand, but she didn't pass from the door. Nodoka behind her was demanding her to move, as she couldn't stand the heat and exhaustion. She forced her way in and saw Sensei back conscious. As soon as she saw him she tackled him with a hug.

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