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The wind blew meekly through the streets of each of the districts of Kivotos. The war over the Eden Treaty was hard. A difficult time for many students as well as their teacher. However, it was all over now. Calm reigned. There was peace in the air. Behind the windows, sitting in the S.C.H.A.L.E. office, Sensei looked out at the vast, clear blue sky. The educator's mind was where the clouds should be. It had been a year and a half since he woke up in the office of the president of the general student council. He'd had little or no time to think about why he was there? What had become of the girl whose smile he could barely remember? In fact, he could hardly remember anything before that. Each of the students he had met had kept him busy, in and out of work, more than overtime could cover. When they gave him time to breathe, like eagles stalking their prey, Yuuka and Rin were on him to make sure he did his work. A loud noise snapped him out of his trance. They had dropped a heavy bundle of documents on the desk, easily covering the computer monitor. The counsellor blanched at the sheer amount of work.

''Sensei, what are you doing when there are so many reports to fill out about the Arius squad attack and the riots on Gehenna and Trinity? '' Yuuka glared at him with her hands on her hips.

Sensei sighed tiredly and said that he would like to have 5 minutes.

''You could rest as much as you wanted if you slept instead of playing video games and watching anime!'' The vein in Yuuka's forehead was about to burst.

''Azusa and Momoi would never forgive me!''

Yuuka's eyes were on fire.

''Yuuka-chan, don't be like that with Sensei,'' Noa entered the office and walked by Sensei's side, ''He cares about all of us and tries his best to make sure we're okay, besides he's still convalescing from the gunshot he got and he's still here.''

''I-I know that... '' Yuuka said embarrassed by his attitude.

''Not to mention that you don't look cute when you get too angry,'' Sensei nodded vigorously while Noa stroked his hair.


''Well, there's work to be done and just in time for the reinforcements to arrive.''

Through the door came the girls from the Make-up Work club along with Hina, Ayumu, Ako and Momoka being dragged by Rin. Suddenly the office was full of life. Hina had machines for hands to complete forms, Ako, with Hanako's help, organized the documents, guided and helped Hifumi, Asuza & Koharu with their part of the work. Ako was fascinated with the shy little pink-haired girl who between Hanako's insinuations and Ako's loving attitude could barely concentrate and write. It was funny for Sensei to see how Ako would turn to Hina and, out of the blue, tell her that she would always be number one for her. Hina would immediately tell her to shut up. Ayumu, even with all the fuss and distractions, struggled to keep up with Yuuka, Noa and Sensei, unlike Momoka who regularly interrupted Rin to ask her questions.

It was a quarter past one in the afternoon. Half of the work was already done. To reward the girls and their effort, he treated them to whatever they wanted to eat in the dining room of the residence. Once lunchtime was over, they went back to work. With their stomachs full and their minds scattered, the pace of work slowed down. An hour later Rin, Ayumu and Momoka had to leave the office as there was a meeting they had to attend with Nagisa and Makoto. Shortly after, Hina got up and told Ako that they had to leave. Hina said goodbye to Sensei saying that they had to go to make sure Makoto didn't provoke another large scale incident and that she could count on her for anything. Sensei asked her not to overexert herself as she too had been hurt badly when Arius attacked. They all watched as Sensei gently patted the Gehenna Prefect Team president on the head. The white-haired girl, blushing, asked not to be pampered like that in front of the others. Without hesitation and with a big smile, Sensei's answer was:

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