Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

    ◎Panda Hanging in the Sky◎

    Xuan Xiaomeng's nervous sound woke up a row of dozing little beasts.

    A group of small beasts turned over with a whimper, staring at their surroundings vigilantly.

    The woods were quiet and peaceful. The nine beasts shrugged their noses together, but none of them smelled a stranger.

    "Where, where?"

    Xuan Xiaohei seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, his bear's paws were heavily propped up on the grass, and the soil under his feet was sunk by him. The taut bear meat is ready to attack at any time.

    With a stern face and small black eyes, Xuan Xiaomeng quickly surveyed the surroundings: "I don't know, anyway, this bear knows he's coming."

    Xuan Xiaomeng stretched out his claws, and patted his small chest lightly, Soothe the discomfort in my heart.

    The thunder in Ben Xiong's head just now must have reminded her that the villain is coming.

    However, it's strange, who is reminding Xiong Xiong...

    The last time she had a dream, the voice in the dream telling her that Brother Xiong would also be cramped and skinned thirty years later was also reminding her of what would happen in the future.

    The kind-hearted people who reminded Xiong Xiong twice, are they the same person?

    Xuan Xiaomeng has a sense of mystery in the hearts of the little beasts. Everyone has always known that this bear has a strong intuition.

    Since she said that Hengfu River is coming, then Hengfu River must come.

    Everyone gathered their minds again and looked around.

    The ice spider kept its eyes fixed and scanned all directions. Seeing that there was no movement nearby, she narrowed all eyes.

    Well, although the little beasts know that Sister Ice Spider is very gentle, the eight dark green eyes that are slightly protruding are too flexible, turning and squinting together, which makes the beasts tremble with fear.

    It's usually better, after all, the eight eyes are gentle, but at this moment, the ice spider's eyes are full of killing intent, this killing intent is together, let alone other things, anyway, a group of furries are scared.

    The little beasts squinted and staggered their eyes, anyway, none of them dared to look at her.

    The same goes for Xuan Xiaomeng.

    The puzzled little eyes just raised up, and when they saw the eight scary eyes of the ice spider, they were so confused that they were all frightened away.

    The little ears slapped and slapped, and the little eyes glanced randomly, but they just didn't look at the ice spider.

    After observing the surroundings, the ice spider calmly said: "Go back to the spirit beast ring first, and I will notify the owner. Peacock, you go to the medicine field quickly, and return to the nest to attract Hengfujiang. Remember, Hengfujiang does not enter the medicine field. You are not allowed to attack."

    "Wow--this bird will definitely spread its most beautiful feathers and lure the bad guys to the medicine field." The seven-color peacock nodded solemnly, with its head held high, assuring with confidence.

    He has the blood of a divine beast and feathers of seven colors. Heng Fujiang will definitely not be able to withstand the temptation of his beauty, and he will definitely be able to complete the task.

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