Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    ◎Bear is about to be struck by lightning again◎

    There is no foodie who doesn't know what to eat.

    In the Fengnan Continent, there are countless spiritual objects. Xuan Xiaomeng bears the names of the spiritual herbs in her head, and two bear claws are enough for her to count. She didn't know the name of the emperor sang, but the moment she got the emperor sang, she only took a breath of medicine, and knew that she had found something good this time.

    This thing is very suitable for Lei Huang, the teaching director of the demon version.

    Recently, when Xuan Xiaomeng was raising Bai Shu and Rong Jie, her conscience discovered that she also thought of Flying Tiger, but ever since Flying Tiger was bitten by her that day, he was thrown into Thunder Pool by Lei Huang.

    If you are injured, you will be struck by lightning. My father doesn't hurt, my mother doesn't love my little friend, it's so miserable.

    No, Xiong Xiong has to care about him.

    ...A goddamn father who doesn't love his mother or loves his mother, and a bear who is over-compensated, is not afraid that the thunder phoenix will strike her to death.

    After getting Emperor Sang, Xuan Xiaomeng is quite a buddy, so she decides to rescue her little friend. Bumping his little buttocks, he ran to the penalty hall, and cowardly and doggyly held the emperor daughter Sang in front of Leihuang.

    Lei Huang looked at Xuan Xiaomeng who sent the emperor daughter Sang up, that expressionless but bright and flamboyant face showed a dullness that was completely different from her temperament.

    Lei Huang, who is in charge of the punishment of beasts in the Beast Sect, has a certain understanding of every beast in the Sect.

    Since this little bear came to Beast Sect six years ago, when she encouraged Shen Bao to catch fish in the golden pond for her, she began to pay attention to her.

    With this observation, Lei Huang discovered that this bear was extremely brazen.

    With her cute appearance, she tricked everyone in the sect into loving her, and then relying on this love, she often broke the rules and stepped on the bottom line of the punishment hall, making her, the head of the punishment hall, the most popular demon cultivator in the beast sect.

    Many people in the sect practiced demon cultivating, because of this love they pampered her very much.

    For example, her contractors Kanyan and Huaqing.

    Regardless of the naive appearance of this bear, it leaves the impression of being clumsy, but she knows very well that this little guy is very clever. Since she came, 80% of the cubs received in the punishment hall made mistakes because of this bear.

    But every time, she can justify herself and avoid all the punishments that belong to her.

    Lei Huang, who was sober while everyone was drunk, froze for a moment, then came back to his senses.

    Just like Xuan Xiaomeng didn't want to see Xuanyuan Jifeng, Lei Huang didn't want to see Xuan Xiaomeng either. Because of her reasons, her workload has changed from once or twice a year at the beginning to once every three days now.

    "What's the matter?" Lei Huang didn't show any expression, his eyes missed the emperor and fell on Xuan Xiaomeng.

    Xuan Xiaomeng is really afraid of Lei Huang.

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