Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    ◎Which bastard stole this bear's bamboo shoots◎

    The dusk is dim, and the setting sun is like blood.

    On Guanglan Peak, an adult grizzly bear was pressed to the top by a group of small beasts, holding it firmly on the ground, scratching its ears and pulling its fur, and a black panther who had a special liking for the bear's buttocks, from time to time, slammed into the grizzly bear's thick Take a bite of his ass...

    Xiong Lie is obviously a big boss, but he is so embarrassed by a group of cubs. However, he didn't dare to swing his paws, and sent this group of little beasts who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, who provoked him, into the air.

    Whenever he dared to smack his paws and greet him, it was definitely Huaqing's little black room.

    This is the clan rule of the beast sect for thousands of years, adult demon cultivators are not allowed to attack cubs or small beasts. Unfortunately, the ones who can play with Xuan Xiaomeng are all cubs.

    And Xuan Xiaomeng, who called a group of spirit beasts to go to Guanglan Peak to find fault, was sitting on the tree fork where Xiong Lie had been sitting before, eating honey while gloating to see Xiong Lie being killed by a group of friends.

    Hehe, a stupid bear, narrow-minded, wanting to see her jokes, thinking about beauty.

    Xu Hao came from a distance with his sword, and just when he arrived at the sky above Guanglan Peak, he saw the scene of these beasts "playing around". He smiled knowingly and thought to himself: They are really a group of energetic little guys.

    After watching in mid-air for a while, Xu Hao went to Donghua Palace with his sword.

    Although the disciples of the Beast Sect are uneven and have average cultivation talents, their character is not to be picked. Xu Shizong's spirit beasts were pure and straightforward, and the chain reaction made people less competitive. Xu Hao is a Jindan real person, his lifespan is running out, his talent is limited, it is a blessing to be able to cultivate Jindan, it is as difficult as going to the sky to break through the Nascent Soul. A few years ago, knowing that he had no hope of breaking through, he took the initiative to take over the work of the affairs hall and took care of the common affairs of the clan.

    The three-year Beast Sect Grand Fair is coming soon, and he needs to discuss with Huaqing about the defense and purchases for this grand fair.

    The so-called Beast Sect Daji is a trading market for the Beast Sect, and it is the only one in the entire Fengnan cultivation world. Because the training resources that the Xiaoshan Beast Sect lacks are different from other sects. What the Sect lacks are the things that the beasts need, not the human monks.

    If human monks want to exchange resources, they can go to other sect markets to exchange them, but if they want to exchange for spirit beasts, they have to try their luck. Ten times, nine times nothing can be found.

    I don't know which generation of the Beast Sect Master, after some market research, set up a Beast Sect Grand Fair in Yukang Town, hundreds of miles away from the Sect. Even monks and sects can come to Yukang Town to trade with the Beast Sect when the Beast Sect gathers. Of course, during this period, the Beast Sect will also sell some spiritual plants and medicines that are in short supply in the market for spirit beasts and demon cultivators.

    There are two more months until the Daji Festival, when more monks will come to Xiaoshan, Xu Hao, who is in charge of managing this area, has to prepare in advance.

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