Chapter Thirty-eight - Beneath the Prime Tree

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DAULD ORYXICUS MOVED CAUTIOUSLY DOWN the staircase that seemed to wind on forever ahead of him. The walls around him emitted a soft phosphorescent glow that gave off just enough light for him to see where he was going. He was deep within the root system of the Prime Tree. The air was stifling, and the smell of damp earth assailed his nostrils. 

He was not in the best of moods.

The war was over

He cursed the child; she proved to be stronger than he imagined and managed to activate the spell using magic of her own. And although the Elves and their allies had won the day, the delay he had hoped for, had not been long enough, and the world had returned to normal. 

But all was not lost

In the aftermath of the war, the Elven nation was in turmoil. Although they had won, the war had cost them much. With so many lives lost, it was going to take a long time to replace them. Meanwhile, with the nation was weakened, they were forced to rely on an alliance with the Dwarves and Gnomes for their protection. Dauld revelled in the confusion that continued to surround his father the King, and the Elven Council. The King was very old now and Dauld had a plan in place to ensure that his reign did not last for very much longer. But the Council was different, certain elements of the Council distrusted him and would never allow him to become King. He needed to discredit them all. So he moved among the Elves, telling them what they desired to hear. How everything was satisfactory. The nation would recover and there was no need to worry about anything. But secretively he and his followers also sowed the seeds of doubt around the city. Slowly a web of lies and deceit was being woven, of a weak King and an even weaker Council who, after years of neglect had led the nation into a war, a war that could have been avoided, but ended up costing them dearly. If he were to wrest control of the Elven nation from his father, then he would require the people on his side.   

The Elven Prince reached a short corridor, lit by lanterns that shone brightly from the ceiling. It had several doors leading off of it, he chose the largest door. As he approached two Palace Guards stepped forward to challenge him. They were slightly smaller and a little bulkier than a normal Elf, their skin paler and eyes a little larger from spending all their life underground. They and others that lead a troglodytic existence down here were part of the Queen's entourage.  

'I wish to speak to the Queen,' he ordered sharply.

They bowed low. 'Your Majesty,' one answered. 'I am afraid the Queen has asked not to be disturbed...' He paused for a second then added. ' anyone.'

A look of anger flashed in Dauld's eyes. 

'Yes, yes I am sure she as, but I am not anyone, I am the First Son,' he hissed, pushing past the guards.

He shoved the door open and entered. The light from the corridor pushing back the darkness of the room.

One of the guards stepped in front of him.

'I am sorry my Queen, but...' he started to shout into the darkened room.

'No matter...' a soft voice answered impatiently from farther back in the chamber. 'Leave us.'

The door closed plunging the room into near darkness once more. The only light came from the far end of the chamber where a faint greenish glow radiated from behind a curtained off area.  

Dauld Oryxicus crossed the room. Pulling back the curtains, he entered.

'I see some things never change, Dauld,' the voice spoke once again. 'You are as rude and irritating as ever.'  

Irissa Oryxicus, Queen of the Elves of Ellyonia, reclined on an enormous circular bed, supported by large plumped up pillows. The light from the lamps that dotted the room gave her skin a greenish pallor. An Elven girl was attempting to brush the Queen's long flaxen hair that flowed across the bed. Others fussed around, rearranging the bedding and making sure everything was clean and tidy.

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