Chapter Thirty-three - The Battle Continues

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CERIDWEN, SAT QUIETLY IN THE KITCHEN of her little cottage. On the table in front of her lay the Moonblade. The gem glowed softly in the light from the stove. She had occupied the time since the others left tidying up the rooms as best she could. The encounter with the Wizard had left her wounded and tired. She knew she should rest, but could not bring herself to do so. She worried about the others, especially the children. She hoped they had all made it to their destinations without mishap. Everything hinged on all four gemstones being activated, should even one part fail, then the whole plan would fall apart and Ravengaard would have won. She must not think like that, she told herself. They would all succeed, even the children.

The White Witch pulled herself closer to the table. She lifted the Blade, feeling it come alive beneath her touch. She stood and slowly walked out into the cool night air. Ceridwen shivered slightly and pulled her shawl tightly around herself. She moved through the garden and out into the centre of the forest glade. Kneeling in the rain-drenched grass she grasped the sword and thrust the blade into the soft earth. As the rain swept across the clearing, she began to chant the words of magic that would activate its power.

She hoped the others were ready.

Moving swiftly through the forest, to the south of Ceridwen's cottage. Eldon and his party of Gnome warriors stumbled upon a group of Goblyns blocking the pathway. Worse still, two Trolls leading a chained Wyvern charged out of the murk and hurled themselves at the warriors. It was getting late, and with no time to turn and flee they threw themselves straight at the enemy. The sheer ferocity of their attack allowed them to dispatch a number of the Goblyns before they could recover. But gradually the larger force of Goblyns began to tell, and with several Gnomes cut down, they nearly broke in panic. But Eldon rallied them, they regrouped and pushed forward once more. With the Giant leading the charge and his mighty axe cutting a swath through the Goblyns; they began to drive back the enemy. Eldon engaged one of the Trolls tasked with restraining the chained Wyvern. The Troll lumbered forward and lunged at Eldon with the energy prod, sparks flew as he parried the strike with his axe blade. He ducked beneath another swing and struck out with his axe catching the Troll on the side. Dark blood spurted and with a grunt, it collapsed to the floor and did not move. The other Troll turned to face the Giant. Releasing the chain it was holding, it jabbed the prod into the creature's side. Enraged the Wyvern sprang forward, straight at Eldon. Fortunately, the beast was young, inexperienced in battle. Its fiery breath washed over him as rows of pointed teeth snapped shut inches from Eldon's face. He thrust his axe out in front of him. Placing the blade between himself and the beast's jaws, he waited for the Wyvern to strike. It circled him, looking for an opening. Head held low, its muscles bunched, the Wyvern suddenly came straight at Eldon. The Giant barely had time to dodge to the side, only just escaping the grinding teeth. The dragon-thing swung its neck, catching Eldon's shoulder and sending him crashing to the floor. He lay there, for several seconds, the breath knocked out of him. The Wyvern turned and reached for him with its razor-sharp talons. 

Get up! Get up! You have work to do, he whispered to himself. 

He rolled away, springing to his feet. In the same movement, he swung the great battle-axe. It sliced the air, cutting through the heavy red scales and biting deep into the Wyvern's neck muscles. The creature hissed loudly at him, pulling back in readiness to strike anew. But before it could fully recover, Eldon was on it again. The battle-axe flashed down once more, slashing at the creature, driving it back. Axe in one hand, Eldon reach over his shoulder and withdrew his broadsword from its sheath. As the Wyvern reared back under the onslaught, he used all his strength to plunge the sword deep into its exposed chest. Inky blood spurted from the wound and with a final shriek of rage, the monster collapsed and lay still. 

Legends from The Warlock's Chair - Book One - RavengaardWhere stories live. Discover now