Chapter Thirty-one - Eldon and Holt's Return

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SUDDENLY GEORGE LEAPT TO HIS FEET and stepped in front of the sorcerer. Something had caught his eye. Among the trees, on the opposite side of the clearing, a glowing circle of brightness appeared. Small bolts of lightning sparked along its edges and he detected movement within the mist and shadow. 

He recognised it. 

George though fast. He needed to keep Maelgwn distracted. Keep the Wizards eyes on focused on him.

He pointed his sword. 'Leave them alone, or else,' he said, his voice small and wavering.

'Or else what?' the wizard hissed. 'Do you think your paltry magic will have any effect on me? Go ahead, try it.' 

George called on his magic, tried to release it,  nothing happened. The wizard was blocking it somehow. 

Maelgwn threw back his head and laughed.

'You see... Now where was I... ' he controlled the spinning ball of magic, readying it to strike at them.

He coughed slightly, looking down at an arrowhead that suddenly bloomed below his shoulder. His eyes went wide and he stumbled, grabbing for the porch rail to steady himself.

All around Goblyns shrieked in panic as crossbow bolts hissed across the clearing, cutting down a number of them. 

'Sorry if we are a bit late,' came a shout from across the field. 

George and his sisters looked up, they recognised the booming voice. Looks of joy sprang across their faces.

'It's Eldon,' George shouted excitedly.

The Giant waved across at them. Holding his great war-bow at the ready, he strode forward firing more arrows as he came.

Behind him; leading a small army of Gnomes, came Holt. 'I told you we would be back,' he cried at the top of his voice. 'And as you can see, I have convinced some friends to accompany me.' 

'Our blades bite deep!' The Gnomes howled as they leapt into the midst of the Goblyn war party. They fell upon them hacking and slashing, pushing them back into the forest. The Goblyns regrouped, tried to counter-attack, but taken by surprise they were no match for the Gnomes. 

George caught a flash of grey streaking between the trees. Sorrow, in Vorkun form, prowled the edge of the clearing looking for a chance to attack. Now he joined in the slaughter, teeth and claw cutting a bloody swath through the hordes. The Goblyns broke, racing for the cover of the forest, desperately trying to escape the killing.

Danielle found herself back inside the cottage with her brother and sister. Beside her, Ceridwen lay unconscious. Although she must have been in great pain, somehow, she managed to conjure up enough magic to transport them away from the danger. They materialized in the little bedroom at the rear of the cottage. Danielle raised her finger to her lips, warning George and Jessica to be quiet. From the other side of the door, she could hear movement.

Was it Eldon and Holt or were more Goblyn's still out there? Danielle wondered.

Holding her breath, she cracked the door and peered into the room beyond.

The large Goblyn stood there, along with several others.

'They are still here,' she heard the one called Quikspit grunt. 'I can smell them.'

Danielle watched wide-eyed as he spun towards a faint sound. Fenrirr the huge she-wolf faced forward, crushing one of the Goblyn beneath her clawed pads. With ears flattened against her head and jaws snapping, she leapt for Quikspit's throat. Had she not been in pup the Goblyns life would have ended then. But her reactions were slowed, allowing the Goblyn time to fling up his arms. The armoured gauntlets took the brunt of the attack. Using Fenrirr's momentum, he twisted and flung her violently against the opposite wall. She crashed to the floor and for a moment Danielle thought she was dead. Then the wolf-dog whimpered and tried to regain her feet, but one front leg hanging uselessly she struggled to stand. Quikspit stepped forward, raised his crossbow and fired a bolt into Fenrirr's body.

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