Chapter Four - The Whispering Tree

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TELLING THEIR PARENTS WHAT HAD REALLY HAPPENED early that Saturday morning would not really have altered a thing, they would not have believed them anyway. And if they had thought that the children were lying, it would only have made matters worse. 

So they had kept quiet, letting Mum and Dad believe they had gone up into the attic even though forbidden. 

They all took baths, ate some breakfast and then sent back to their rooms—to think about what they had done—Mum and Dad said.  

Danielle spent the time catching up with her homework and using her computer. George thought about doing a bit of his homework, but promptly gave up and played his latest computer game. 

Jessica meanwhile had gone back to bed and slept for some time. Her exploits in the castle had tired her — but other than that she seemed to have suffered no ill effects. 

 After an early lunch—and because it was still raining—Mum and Dad decided that they would all go to Shrewsbury and do some shopping. They spent time looking around the shopping centre followed by dinner at a restaurant down by the riverside. 

It was early evening when they arrived back home. The rain had stopped and the sky was brightening out of the valley. Dad said, that according to the weather forecast Sunday was going to be hot. 

After watching some TV and enjoying a light supper the children decided that they would go to bed early. It had been a long wearisome day and tomorrow afternoon they were going to visit Nan. So with good-nights all round and a final warning from Dad to stay out of the attic they had gone upstairs. 

 At first, Danielle could not sleep, there were just so many questions to ask the Elves next time they met. 

How exactly had the events with the witch and the castle come about? 

Would it happen again? 

What would have happened if they had not stopped Caranaxus from bringing back the Warlock? 

And most important of all, what had happened with Jessica, what were these unusual powers that the Spellcaster had spoken of and what part did they play in the Warlocks plans?

If all they had been told was true, and they were in great danger, perhaps they should tell Mum and Dad. Try to explain to them exactly what was happening. 

But without credible evidence would they believe them? 

Danielle doubted it. They did not have any evidence, credible or otherwise. 

These and other things spun through her mind as she tried to sleep. 

What had been the problem with the Elven Prince when Jessica asked about the Queen? 

And one more thing. Something that had not registered with them at first, something they only realized later. 

Where were all the Elven children? Were there any Elven children? 

But eventually, she drifted off to sleep. 

She was not sure what it was that woke her. She lay still for a moment and listened. It came again — a gentle tapping. She got out of bed and crossed to the window. 

Cautiously she pulled back the curtains and peered outside. 

Overhead thousands of stars dotted a cloudless sky.  A full moon hung above the valley, casting its pale glow over the landscape below. Princess Meriol hovered there, bathed in its light. Quietly, Danielle unlocked the catch and slid open the window. A warm breeze carrying the scent of garden flowers wafted in, it gently rippled the net curtains. Meriol flew into the room and settled on Danielle's bed. 

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