Chapter Thirty-four - Sildo's Revenge

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CARANAXUS, THE DARK WITCH screamed with fury at the sight of the boy. She had been resting in her chamber, gathering her strength for the conflict that was sure to come. All was going well. The summoning spell was stable... 


The rumble and crash of falling stonework had roused her from her slumbers.

And now the boy and his companions.

Caranaxus thought him dead by Maelgwn's hand and seethed with anger at being robbed of her revenge. It was the boy who smashed the staff, preventing their return. It cost her much to procure the jewel. Promises made to the Daemon Lords who imbued it with ancient magic. She had put countless hours into the conjuring that would allow her access to the Daemon world and their assurances of untold power and riches. One day, they promised, it would make her more powerful than even Ravengaard. Only for her to watch it destroyed by a mortal and a mere boy at that. She recovered the staff and several larger shards of the ruby gem. It took many sleepless hours to carefully forge them together again. When it was remade it proved nowhere near as potent as it had been. She cursed, the Daemon Lords would still demand she made good her part of the bargain. She would have to deal with that problem when it arose. But for now, it would still give her enough power to rid herself of the meddlesome boy and the Elves. There would be no escape for them this time.

Caranaxus brought up the staff, sweeping it in an arc towards the boy and the Elven princess. She let the magic flow from her, directing it along the staff and into the gem. It took her magic, feasted upon it, joining with the remains of the Daemon magic. Red fire leapt forth, covering the distance between them in the blink of an eye. The boy acted on instinct; he barely had time to throw up a shield of ice crystals before her magic struck them. She saw his magical barrier easily smashed aside by her red fire, but it served to deflect most of the magic away, lessening the impact. Even so, she watched them both fall to the ground, their limbs seemingly paralysed. She cackled gleefully to herself and advanced on the stunned figures.

A call from above distracted her. in the blink of an eye, she spun towards the sound; just in time to see an Elven archer lose several arrows at her. Almost without thinking, she unleashed another blast of magic. It incinerated the arrows on its way and smashed into the Elf's hiding place. The archer did not even have time to scream before her fire sought him out and turned him to ash.

'Lach, no!' Caranaxus heard the Elven girl cry out.

She turned back. Somehow they had shaken off the effects of her magic and forced themselves to move. The boy struggled to his feet dragging the girl with him. Before Caranaxus could bring her staff to bare, they pushed passed, knocking her off balance. She staggered, but instantly recovered and grabbed the boy.

Caranaxus seized his arm, jerking him towards her. 'I have you now boy,' she cackled in delight. 

He screamed in agony as her long, jagged fingernails dug into his flesh and the magic she had leeched from his sister flowed forth to sear his skin. Beside him, the Elven girl grabbed a fallen dagger and whirled about, a look of sheer determination on her face. The Elf lunged and Caranaxus grimaced in pain as the blade sliced across her stomach. She fell back, shock and anger etching her features. At the same time, the boy wrenched his arm free. He fell to his knees beside her, his face contorted in pain. Then the Elven Princess was at his side urging him to get up. He struggled to his feet and supporting each other they started across the room towards the Spellcaster. Caranaxus recovered and hefting her staff she aimed it at the fleeing pair. Her silver eyes gleamed with triumph, sensing the power building up within the gem.

She felt rather than saw or heard the movement behind her. Something hurled itself out of a shadowy doorway. It screeched and wrapped itself around her neck and shoulders in a tangle of spindly arms and legs.

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