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Everyone was up and sitting in the seating room as they waited for the new guest to arrive. Soon a portal opens up as four people fall through with a thud.


"Son of a bitch!"



We're heard as the four people in a pile were groaning in pain from the fall. Before each one were able to untangle themselves as they sway stumbling around.

The younger dark female looks around with a confused look"where the hell are we"she says before hearing a familiar laugh from the one and only Jocelyn before whirling around seeing her sister from another mista" Jocelyn"she squeals before tackling her in a hug as they laughed.

"What are we chopped liver"Tatum and Sidney playfully tease causing the women laugh as the others besides the four vampires of woodsboro knew who she was.

Damon stands up ending the joyful mood "wait a second now who are you guys."he demanded as the new guest turn towards each other before shrugging as the darker female walks forward"I'm Hallie I'm the best friend of Jocelyn, Tatum and Sidney "she introduced her self as Hallie.

The taller male steps up"hi I'm cotton weary "he introduced him self.

The shorter male steps up with a crazed look in his eyes"hi I'm mickey alterri "he introduced him self as some people narrow they're eyes in suspicion.

The red head women then steps up"hi I'm Mrs Loomis"she introduced her self but her eyes will filled with darkness.

Before anybody could say anything both are speed across the room against the wall with a slam as they are held up by there necks by Jocelyn who glares deadly at them as they struggle to breathe.

The Scooby gang were surprised by her reaction these two must had pissed her off badly some how while the mikealsons just watch with raised eyebrows.

But before anything can escalate the women from before appears with a flash as she used her powers to separate them away from each other.

"I'm happy that y'all are all settled but Jocelyn your can't kill them they are already dead plus if they try anything I'll simply cause the extreme pain they have yet to feel."she says that caused a chill to run down there backs as she glares at them before turning to the rest of them"now we're here to watch the second movie called scream two which is held on a college campus"she announced before disappearing in a flash of light.

Soon they took there own seats as the lights dim meaning the movie was about to start.

vampire in college book 2: wtmWhere stories live. Discover now