Movies, strings attached

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///(Late 1950s, NATO headquarters)///


America slammed open the door to Canada's office and looked downright mad. Canada slowly turned around in his chair with a fake smile. "America, why are you here?"

America slammed down a photograph on his desk. "Ahem, who is this?"

"Cuba? Why are you so angry?"

"Maple man, do not play games with me! You know she's like my number one enemy!"

Canada turned and continued to type on his computer. "America, the USSR is your number one enemy."

"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" America grumbled and massaged his head. "A little birdie told me you were seeing her! I thought you were on my side dude!"

"I am on your side, Ame. I've liked her since we were kids, this shouldn't be a surprise. I mean we've been dating since WW2."

"YOU'VE BEEN DATING THAT LONG AND NEVER TOLD ME!" America leaned on Canada and sighed. "Mexico didn't tell me that! Augh... I swear to god you can be the absolute worse."

Canada patted America's hand. "I suppose, but you're stuck with me aren't 'cha?"

///(Modern day)///

British Columbia hung upside down on the sofa looking desperately at her phone. Manitoba sat down beside her and looked over at the screen. "What's wrong sis?"

BC huffed and dropped to the cushions. "My favourite series got canceled on Netflix. Now all I have are fan fictions and a void in my soul."

Manitoba awkwardly patted his sister on the back as she looked dramatically distraught. "What was it about?"

"There were like cool chefs with super backstories in a cooking competition. It got only one season and could really use a movie to end it's plot..." BC stuffed her head into the cushions.

"C'mon Victoria, we can easily just recreate it. With your camera skills and prop design everything should go just smoothly!"

"So you'll make my show? No iffs, ands or buts?"


BC dove outta of the sofa with a sneaky grin and golden eyes. She grabbed him off the couch and towards the halls. "HAHA! You fell for my bluff! Now you have to make a show with me! You get my camera, I have to get the cast."


Ontario slid by the counter just avoiding a pan to the face. He grabbed some flour and chucked it at his attacker's eyes.

New york wiped the flour from his eyes and grumbled as Ontario picked up a spatula. "Really? That's your weapon?"

"What? It's just a flatter wooden spoon."

"What is wrong with you?"

"Didn't know you were my therapist yankee."

New York bonked Ontario's head with the pot and he fell into the sink. Ontario rolled back out and proceeded to swordfight New York.

BC leaned her camera down and grumbled. "Where is Quebec and Louisiana? They've got to be here for the opening tournament scene! I can't have a cooking tourney without the other team!"

The Canuck and Yankee both immediately dropped their utensils. "TEAM?!"

"Well yeah? Did you guys not read the script. Two childhood friends turned enemies have to work together in a cooking competition and learn to become closer together. So much so that when it's time for the last match they agree to work together." British Columbia walked up and shoved the scripts in their faces. "I thought you two said you were good actors!"

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