Regina Exexution

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The provinces were settled in a circle of sorts, ready to tell random stories of their history. Ontario spun small bottle in the middle.

ON: Oh... the prairies are first

MB: You act like that's a bad thing, we have plenty of culture and- did you just throw a sock at me.

BC: That was Nova Scotia not me

AB: Anyways we'll be talking about how we got out of the great depression with the discovery of the oil sands.

SK: No, we'll talk about the Regina twister, the deadliest in all of Canada's history!

AB: No way! How 'bout the trucker protests!

SK: Hell no!

QU: Language!

SK: That's not even a swear!

MB: How about we do the start of me as a province- the Red River Rebellion!

AB: What... when was that again

SK: Uh how about we uh talk about something else...

AB: 1870s and 80s? Like when Mani had super long hair and Sask looked like a housewi-

SK: Shut up Al'.

AB: Ha! You looked stupid back then! With the little braids and apron-

SK: Shut up Alberta. Unless you want me to mention what you called us back then.

NB: She called us what?

AB: None of your business.

MB: Ahem, this is the story of how we all watched a man die

PEI: What-

(Manitoba's POV, mid 1880s.)////

Here I am sitting in my farmhouse, freshly decorated and rebuilt after that Rupert's land passed. I got kicked out of the province house when I disobeyed that bozo's rules (and maybe got into a fight or two with Ontario). It doesn't matter though, the house is much more comforting then that fancy mansion.

"Alby! Alby! Give me that back!"

"Catch it slowpoke!"

Except for those two. They're not even provinces and they're more annoying the that Ontario guy. I'm not even sure who their parents are.

"Mani- tell her I want my pitchfork back!" The green yells pointing to the blue one.

The blue one sticks her tongue out. "Tell Sask her pitchfork is mine until she can catch me!"

"Alberta that is very rude to steal your sister's pitchfork! Give it." Alberta hands over the pitchfork. Her sister looks triumph until she sees me throwing it in a shed. "You're like ten, you don't need a pitchfork. Too sharp."

"Oh..." The girl huffs.

Now that is over I can work on the real problem here, that stupid dominion was going to come over for a 'chat'. Most likely on the proceedings on one of my rebels trial. He'd be found innocent in Northwest's capital, Regina. He'd have to apologize to me. I smirk just thinking of it.

"Girls, we need to tidy the house. The dominion is coming over."

"Awwwwww... can't you do it! He's your dad!" Alberta huffed.

"Did I spill Saskatoon pie while trying to eat it!"

"You did that? You said a groundhog knocked it over!" The other one argued.

"Well it's your fault for leaving it out!" She whined back.

"Cleaning you two!"

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