🦁Let's Kick Some Ass🦁

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Third POV

Since Yuu didn't have any magic to defend himself, he was taunting Leona from the side to anger him and draw Leona's attention to him.

The guys all charged at Leona, with their pens ready to attack.

Leona smirked, and one by one, each of the guys get either blown away or cracking into sand.

You ran readying a punch, only for your fist to turn into sand and held by the throat by Leona.

You choked, Leona tightened his hold on your throat.

"Any last words Dollface?" Leona taunts you.

You raise your other hand, pointing two fingers towards him, confusion shown on his face, before you point to your left, he looks in that direction, and low and behold, you were leaning on the wall crossing your arms and glaring at him, he was bewildered.

Seeing he was distracted, the real you appeared behind him and rasenganed his ass.

He flew until he hit a wall (obliterateding it ofc), and was knocked out.

The sand storm dispersed, everyone that was turning into sand was being unsanded (Idk what to call it), and the black ink disappearing.

But like last time, you and Yuu fell unconscious.

Last thing you and Yuu heard were the screams of the guys.

'Hello darkness my old friend~'


Your POV

I opened my eyes only to see it was the same white space from Riddle's overbolt.

I sat up and looked around to find Yuu and Leona, I saw Yuu laying down not to far from me, and it looked like he was about to wake up.

I ran over to him, he opened his eyes, "Y/N? It happened again?" He asked, I nodded.

The white space transformed into a hallway in what seemed like a castle, where a man and woman were whispering.

Then Leona's voice spoke.

"From the moment I was born, there's been a boulder on top of me that's too heavy to move."

"Crown prince Falena is such a bright and cheerful young man. I don't understand why his younger brother has to be so moody all the time." The man said.

"And he posses such a terrifying power! Imagine being able to turn anything to sand!" The female said.

"Both of you, cease this conversation right now!
What if someone overheard you?!" Another man said.

"I bet that if I were the crown prince, this is what they would have said: "Crown prince Leona is a judicious young man - look how he controls such powerful magic! I don't understand how Falena can be so carefree. This is all because I was born second. They'd find fault with me no matter what-just so they could use it as a pretext to praise my brother. No matter what I do, I can never be the best."

"Leona! Why weren't you at today's ceremony?" A young man seemingly older than Leona called out to him

'This must be his brother, Falena' I thought looking at his similar features, only bright orange hair.

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