🦁What's Magift?🦁

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Third POV

Yuu was just innocently sleeping without a care in the world, before he had another strange dream.

                                           ✨Dream World✨

"I can hear the wind blowing...what's happening here?"

You thought to himself, now looking at the many animals that were staring up, making him stare up towards the rock.

There on the rock, was a lion and a mandrill.

Soon enough, a lioness now walked up and now stood next to the lion and the mandrill looking at the two while holding a lion cub in her mouth.

The mandrill then turned and carefully held up the small cub as the sunlight was shining down on them.

"It's like a ceremony for the cub... very strange.."

                                            ✨Dream End✨

Yuu's eyes snapped open and he sat up on his bed, "Another dream?"

He then heard your voice calling out to him for breakfast, he hurriedly got ready, because he knows that your breakfast will get him the much needed energy for today.

Your POV

I woke up to something softly kicking my face, I blinked my eyes opened to see Grim sleeping upside down next to me, dreaming of kami knows what.

"Myaaah!" Grim said, flailing in his sleep,

"Meceooow! Myah myaaaah..."

'And you say you aren't a cat...' I deadpaned, "Was that supposed to be a roar?"

"Myaaah... Thass whatchu get...fer crossin' Grim da Milightyyy..." He snored.

I poked him, "Grim, wake up..."

"That's right! Cower before me, short stack tyrant!"
He said, before opening his eyes, and was startled, "Bwuh-myah?!" He then looked around, ".....Huh? Where am I?"

"You're in my room and in the Ramshackle dorm."

He pouted, "Aw, man! I was dreaming that I was trouncing Riddle with my magic. You shoulda seen his face..."

"You won't get strong if you keep sleeping, Grim. Come on, let's get ready so I can make us breakfast." I said, getting up.

"All right, lemme just fix my bedhead. Then it's off to class! I've got magic to master!" He said, happily.

While he got ready I went downstairs to cook some egg sandwich.

(A/N: Recipe by Lynja)

Yuu came down with Grim on his shoulders, I smiledat them, "Who's hungry!"

"We are!"

'Time skip brought to you by Lucius' "Mrrrrrroooooooow!'"

The lunch bell ringed as you and the rest of the freshmen walked to the cafeteria, while Grim was on your right shoulder, Hiro was on your other shoulder.

"Ugh. Professor Trein must have cast a sleepin' spell on me." Grim said, yawning, "I fought to stay awake, but he was sooo boring!"

"Yeah, "fought," sure. I heard you snoring five minutes in." Yuu said.

"Never Underestimate A Woman" Twisted Wonderland x Fem!Naruto readerWhere stories live. Discover now