16: Izzy - Conversations with friends

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Later that night, Izzy and Em watched Dom stoke the campfire, while Cole, a friend and teammate of Dom's, gathered camp chairs for the girls. Izzy observed as Dom tossed a fresh log on the flames, sending out a shower of sparks. She had been introduced to Cole the day before they came to Windsor. He had recently been admitted to Watford and would be joining them soon. He was nice, Izzy thought- a tall, strong sporty guy, with good manners and a wide grin. It seemed like Dom, and he had been mates for a long time, they had that ease with each other that came from growing up in the same circle.

Izzy was feeling more cheerful this evening. She'd spoken to her Mum earlier that afternoon, and it sounded like everything at home was good, so she needn't worry.

She admired Em, all dressed up in a white linen dress and espadrilles, her hair cascading from a messy bun on the top of her head. Earlier in the evening, Em had begged Izzy to dress up too, but she was more comfortable low key. She'd worn light faded jeans and a plain olive-green tee shirt. Her long dark hair had that just-got-out-of-bed scuffled look, but she'd put a small line of eyeliner on, to show effort.

The girls sat opposite each other. Izzy reached into the icebox for some drinks.

'Here you go!' she handed Em a cider.

'I'll have one of those too,' said Cole.

'Sure,' she gave Cole the drink, she'd scooped out for herself.

'I'll take a beer?' asked Dom. Izzy delved through the icebox and handed Dom a Coopers, not quite meeting his eyes.

'I know it's not girly of me, but I'll have a beer too,' she said to no one in particular.

The boys were talking about the lengths that Cole had to go through to get admission to their school.

'Did you sound like the US president?' asked Dom with a grin.

'Yeah, I was all like, "I stand by my word," and that,' said Cole laughing.

'I can't imagine writing a letter to get into school,' said Em, who, had been at Watford through from primary school.

'I had to interview too,' said Cole. 'It was bloody intimidating.'

'Me too,' Dom said, 'But I bamboozled the headmaster. I remember, he asked me the question, "Is zero a number?" Can you believe it?'

Izzy looked at him with interest. 'What did you say?'

'I said, well, it is technically a number, but at the same time, it's not because it has no numerical value. For example, if you say you've got zero cookies in the jar, you have nothing, so technically, it's got no numerical value; however, in mathematics, it is used as a number.'

'Seriously?' said Em laughing. 'You are such a dag...'

'No, that's a good one, mate,' said Cole, nudging Dom. 'This bloke is not dumb!'

'Thanks, man!' said Dom laughing. 'This guy, you should have seen him. He thought it was the smartest thing he'd ever heard. He literally like wanted to hire me.'

Izzy took a swig of beer. 'You're all about humility, aren't you, mate?'

'Ha, ha,' Dom said dryly. 'Just relaying the facts. How d'you get in anyway? Do girls have to interview?'

Izzy shook her head and laughed.

'You think you're the only smart one,' Em said. 'Iz, got a scholarship. Take that.'

Izzy blushed. 'It's a bursary Em, it's not the same thing.'

Em ignored her. 'Well, I did my admission test when I was like five years old in kindergarten,' she said. 'I had to jump through hoops, literally. Like, there and back. That was my acceptance.'

'That's crazy,' said Cole. 'Sending your kid to private school for primary is a way to waste money!'

'Yeah, but it's also a way into high school,' said Dom. 'You don't have to do the tests and interviews. It's guaranteed.'

'We can't all be genius's,' said Em laughing. 'I don't think I would have got in if my parents hadn't coughed up for primary.'

'Awe Em, we know you're smart as...' Dom said with a grin.

Em didn't look so amused. Izzy adjusted her chair and watched the flames play. Conversations about money made her deeply uncomfortable.

'Apparently, it cost a million bucks to put a kid through school to year twelve,' said Cole.

'I see that,' Dom said.

Cole took a seat. 'Do you think your parents look at you and count how much you've cost them?'

'I know my dad does,' said Dom.

Cole leaned forward to shift a burning log that had rolled to the outside of the firepit. 'I saw a TikTok that showed you how many Lamborghinis you could get if you didn't have kids.'

Dom laughed. 'Yeah, man, I'm having kids, like way late, if at all.'

Em gave him a funny stare.

'What? Just saying!'

Izzy and Em exchanged looks. Was Dom trying to annoy Em? He seemed to be flexing and it was getting under her skin.

'Don't stress Em,' Cole said kindly. 'You're hot as...that's what matters.'

'Oi,' Dom said, laughing, 'that's my girl.'

In the meantime, some other kids that Izzy didn't know had gathered around the fire. Dom and Cole appeared to have met everyone, and they introduced the girls to the group. Naturally, the conversation turned away from Watford back to Polo. Em took refuge beside Izzy, and Cole pulled his chair up close to the other side of the girls to explain the game to Em.

It was getting dark, and Izzy was hungry. Cole offered to go with her to the clubhouse to find something to eat. They'd both had a bit to drink by that stage, and so, when Cole took her by the hand, Izzy let him. Before they reached the clubhouse steps and before she realised what was happening, Cole had pulled her behind the trunk of a large tree and kissed her. Izzy was surprised, she liked Cole but not like that! The whole thing was a bit odd, like out of the blue, his face was in front of her, and then the next thing, his tongue was in her mouth, swishing around like he was trying to clean her teeth or something! The whole time it was happening Izzy thought this might be the worst kiss she'd ever experienced. She broke away clumsily and they went up the stairs.

When they got back to the group, Dom teased them about what they'd been up to. It occurred to Izzy, that the boys had talked about her beforehand and she felt suddenly irritable.

'Do you want to put your legs over my knees?' Cole asked her when they sat down at the campfire.

'I'm okay,' Izzy replied, making things awkward.

That night, Izzy slept alone in the tent she was supposed to share with Em. She was relieved the day was over and that Cole had taken the hint she wanted to be alone. It was cool of Dom and Em to have included her on this trip, but she was looking forward to going home in the morning.

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