Chapter 16

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TW: a little of everything

(also i am sorry in advance)

Wednesday's POV:

It's been two weeks since I found out about her starving herself, and I have been making sure she is eating everyday. Every morning I make a meal-prep for her. We have been eating lunch together at school and dinner together at the dorm. 

I look down at her and feel my heart ache. She's gotten better physically, but mentally, I can tell it's gotten worse. I've asked her about it a few times, but every time I do, she just goes distant and refuses to talk. I can't help but worry, especially when I see her sleeping. Even then, there's a tension in the air, as if she can't let go of her troubles when she's conscious, let alone when she's asleep.

 I softly brush her hair away from her face and kiss her forehead. She instinctively cuddles into me, and I can feel the warmth of her body. Despite the fact that she's struggling, I'm grateful that I can still be here for her and provide her comfort. I know that if I can't help her, nobody else can. I just hope she will eventually be able to open up to me and let me in.

-------(before lunch the next day)

I glanced up at the clock and realized there were only two minutes left before lunch. I had been looking forward to this time more than any other lately--it was the one time of day where I could relax and take a break from the stress of the day. I rushed to the hallway we had designated as our lunch spot. I wanted to make sure I could get there in time and also ensure that we had some privacy so no one would disturb us. 

 When I arrived, I saw her already seated, slowly eating her food. I could tell from her expression that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell what. I took a seat next to her, my own food forgotten for the moment as I tried to figure out what was wrong.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You seem a little mad."

"I'm not mad. I just wish people would stop asking if I'm okay."

"Enid I don't think you are okay. Please talk to me." I say stepping towards her. 

"No! You have no room saying that I'm not telling you things!" She yells, standing up. 

"Okay, let's calm down, before one of us does something they regret."

Enid gets mad and takes a few steps towards me. I flinch a little and she stops. Her face immediately softens. 

"I'm sorry I- Wednesday... I'm sorry."

"It's okay... Let's just calm down."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I would never want to hurt you, I promise." She says, starting to cry. 

"It's okay Enid."

She grabs her bag and runs to the bathroom. I run after her and I can hear her crying. When I get to the door, it's locked.

"Enid?" I say softly, knocking on the door. "Enid please open the door."

I continue calling to her for several minutes until Yoko comes. 

"Is she in there? What happened?"

I shake my head. I back up to let Yoko go to the door. 

"Enid, it's Yoko can you please open the door?"

Enid's POV:

I tuck my head between my knees and listen as Wednesday and Yoko beg me to open the door. I can't believe I blew up like that. I don't even know what happened, I was just mad. When Wednesday flinched, it was like my anger was immediately replaced with guilt. I look over at my bag and pull out my pocket knife. I always carry it with me just in case something happens. I look at the knife and at my wrist. The only thing on my mind is that everyone would be better off without me. 

I took the blade and slowly pushed it against my wrist. I felt a wave of hesitation wash over me. I knew that if I made this cut, it would be forever. I took a deep breath and with a little shake in my hand, I swiped the blade across my wrist. The sensation of the blade cutting through my skin was quick, but the blood came fast. The first cut was shallow, but I kept going, making deeper and deeper slices. 

 The pain was intense, but I welcomed it. I watched as the blood pooled around the blade and spilled onto the floor. With each swipe, the pain grew, but so did the sense of relief. I was in control of the situation and I felt a sense of power. 

 I thought about the consequences of my actions. If I opened the door and they saw the cuts on my arm, it would only hurt them. But if I went just a little deeper, I could be free. No more insecurities. No more pain. Just relief. 

 The blade was heavy in my hand and I knew that this would be the last time I used it. I took a deep breath, and with one final swipe.I push as hard as I can and slowly cut from my forearm to my hand. I grind my teeth, but try to stay quiet. I watch as the blood gushes out and then I black out. 

Wednesday's POV:

"We have to get in there." I say stepping towards my bag. "What if she's hurting herself?"

I can see Yoko's eyes going wide. I grab a bobby pin from my bag and start picking the lock. I unlock it and open the door. 

"Enid!" I yell running to her. "Call 911!"

"Oh my god." Yoko stands at the doorway, staring at the pool of blood around Enid. 

"Yoko! Call 911!"

"Right." she says frantically. 

I feel a tear trailing down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away but it was soon replaced with more. I push paper towels against Enid's wrist but they blood was flowing faster and faster. Soon, there was a pile of blood-soaked paper towels next to me. I continued to replace them, refusing to give up on her. 

Tears streamed down my face as I held Enid close. "I'm sorry Enid, this is my fault." I felt her heart beating beneath my cheek, slowly fading away. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't please." I pressed hard against her wrist, desperately trying to find a pulse, but it was too late, her body was limp, her skin was pale, she was gone. We waited for what seemed like an eternity for the ambulance to arrive. The world around us had gone silent as I clung to her lifeless body, my tears blurring my vision. 

 As the paramedics came, Yoko pried me away from Enid. I watched as they desperately tried to revive her. They worked tirelessly, but there was no one left in her to bring back. I stood still, I couldn't move. All I could do was watch as they carried her into the ambulance. I felt Yoko's hand on my shoulder, but I couldn't hear her words. The world was silent. Yoko's arm wrapped around me, attempting to make me feel better. Nothing will make me 'feel better'. The body of my love was being rushed to the hospital and, as much as I didn't want to give up on her, I knew she would never be coming back. I watched the lights of the ambulance slowly fade down the road while Yoko held me. 

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