Where Is Jacob?

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Jake still hasn't come back. The rest of the pack are beside themselves with worry.
He hasn't disappeared for over twenty four hours since before Ness was born and he fled on that epic retreat to the wilderness.

I'm terrified to tell them what happened; that I'm the reason he has deserted us.
Leah hasn't told them what happened yet either, but I can see it's on the tip of her tongue. I'm sure if I wasn't her brother, I would have been sold to the wolves by now.

I don't think they'd be so worried if they knew where he was. At least after the announcement of Bella and Edward's engagenent we could sense him in the corners of our minds; snarling and unwelcoming, but still reassuringly there.
Now Embry and Quil are saying they can't sense him at all. Not a whisker. Leah phased herself after they told us that and said she couldn't sense him either.
Then I phased. I had to. I had to see if maybe I could feel him.
It was the first time I had phased in months.
The feel of my bones cracking and my skin sprouting tufts of course, blunt fur had been a shock to the system. I had felt alive like I hadn't in what felt like eternity.
I didn't even realise how much not phasing had been affecting my mental health.

But even in my euphoria, I could not sense him.
We all keep trying but to no avail.
He hasn't phased himself.
That's the only explanation.

Why hasn't he phased? That would have been the first thing I thought he would do; let the wolf take over and muffle the pain.


I freeze at my name. It isn't a greeting or a question, more a distainful spit. I look up and see that Edward is next to me.

I didn't think Jake would be too pleased with me taking The Rabbit to school so I had called Edward and asked if I could bag a ride with him and Bella.
Now it seems I will have to explain why I need it.
This is one conversation I am really dreading.

He tips his head toward the silver Aldi and I follow him with my tail between my legs.

I slip into the passage seat and swallow when I see Edward is already sat in the drivers seat, his amber eyes focused unnervingly on me.

"The minds of your fellow pack members have been almost screaming with fear about Jake." He doesn't ease up his piercing stare as he speaks. I swallow the lump in my throat again.

He waits a few seconds his eyes narrowing more with each one. "Is there something you need to tell me, Seth? " His lips pull back in a miniscule sneer at my name and my heart pounds uncomfortably.


Oh fuck. He will kill me! If I tell him why Jake has run he'll know I almost fucked his daughter !

Edward strikes in a flash. I grasp my hand up to my cheek which is stinging from the fury filled punch I just received. He grabs me by the scruff of my shirt and pulls me close enough that I can see every line and swirl in his flashing irises. Anger like I have never seen is blazing from them. It is all the worst to be radiating from the soft orange that represents peace in my mind.
"You thought I would not find out?" He hisses menacingly. "Your dear sister gave me quite the show of your betrayal"

My heart tries to flee through my throat. He saw. He saw just what I did. I feel myself start to shake gently with fear and adrenaline.
My body is screaming that today is the day I die. A am afraid of Edward.

"Get out" His voice is a dangerous low. "Get the fuck out of my sight you useless piece of shit." He spits the last three words before releasing my shirt but he doesn't relent on his hatefilled stare.

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