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I am slumped on a stool in the Cullen's kitchen. There is a brimming bowl of hot stew in front of me, but the smell which once made my mouth water now makes my stomach turn. The rich scent of beef clogs my nostrils and flashes of the warm bed I laid on and ate a similar meal while I basked under Caius's loving smile keep fluttering in front of my unwilling eyes.
My palms are sweating with the concentration of not looking directly at the memory which is banging against my consiousnness like an angry baliff.
Edward and Bella are muttering by the stove, shooting furtive glances my way every few moments.
I know I am not hiding my unease well but it is taking all my effort not to fall screaming into the swirling depths of my demon memories.
"Hey, Pup!" A chill of marble grazes my arm and Caius's snarling, vicious sneer blocks the reality around me.  I insinctively scream so loud that I make my own ears ring.
Instantly the vision of Caius is gone and the world is a blur of color for a moment before Emmett's wide amber eyes come into focus.
"Shit, man. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to....scare you?" He glances over his shoulder at Edward whose forehead is furrowed into a deep frown.
"I'm okay" I lie as the cold sheen of sweat drips down the side of my face.
I feel shaky; like how you do when you go several days without eating.
Which I  guess I haven't. 
I should eat; being hungry isn't going to make this go away.
Nothing will.
I pick up the spoon with an unsteady hand and force mouthful after mouthful down my tight throat.
Bella smiles, appeased by the tiny effort.
Edward isn't so easily convinced though and the thick gloop of stew catches in my throat and I have to concentrate on forcing myself to swallow.
I can't even taste it.
I know it must be amazing, all of Edwards cooking is, but, to me, it is like I am gulping razor blades down my throat and being forced to smile as I do.
I wish I was dead.


Jacob is sat solemnly  in the grand hall.
The television is flickering on a generic comedy programme but his blank stare is directed at the roaring fire to his side.
There is a severe lack of emotion in his eyes that frightens me no end.
I know that something is rotting in his memory, some atrocity that Caius inflicted on him. I just don't know what it is.
Jacob is brave;  a lot braver than I ever, openly, give him credit for. I can't fathom what could possibly have resulted in this state in him.
It is imperative that I find out.
Bella bites on her lip as I make my request. It is one of the human habits that survived the venom fire. "I swore to him, Edward"
"I know," I take her cool hands in mine,  "and I understand how important your word is, but..."
"No." She pulls her fingers away from mine and crosses her arms across her chest. " I swore that I wouldn't do that. He knows we are here for him let him work through this on his own way"
I nod curtly.  When she is short like that I know she won't change her mind. It would be futile to attempt.
I feel uneasy as I head back into the hall and find Jacob still staring, wide eyed, into the orange flames.
This isn't the man I know. Where is the cock sure bastard who made me smile despite myself?
Something is very wrong with Jacob.


The halfling had been with us a dozen nights now and she still has not seen fit to show Aro the respect of attending the throne room and speaking with him.
He is livid as she has engaged in conversations with the majority of the other members of our coven and seeks Marcus out almost daily.
She is being unforgivably disrespectful to the master and the distaste I once felt for her is roaring back.
I have been sent to collect her as Aro cannot turn a blind eye to such rudeness anymore.
The fact that Caius has been near catatonic down in the dungeon where he revealed his heart is not helping The Master's mood.
The halfling is running behind me, trying to keep up with my intentially brisk pace. She is incessantly talking about mundane aspects of her time here in a way that suggests she believes I have some sort of interest on her menial chatterings.
I flick a burst of pain forward as we turn the last corner and the two young imbeciles who guard the golden archway quickly fling them open for me so I do not have to change my pace.
The echo chamber is quiet with only Aro and his closest guard, Reneta, with him; The Halfling is too temperamental to have witness of too many eyes when he confronts her disregard to his magnitude..
I snap my power behind me and the minions shuts the heavy doors quickly behind us.
The halfling jumps at the noise and turns to look at the now closed doors and then back at Aro who is watching her with narrowed eyes over his arched fingertips.
"Do you think me beneath you child?" He is voice is soft but there is a dangerous tone to it that I know well. He is struggling to control his anger.
"What?" She asks " No! Well, I mean ...." she frowns like she is seriously considering the question. The arrogant little  ....
"Do you have any idea of who I am?" He bellows as he gets to his feet; her disrespect becoming the tinder to his fire. "I say the word and you will be a pile of ash before me!"
The halflings face goes strangely blank. "..... and that sentence,  Right there, That is why I have to consider the answer."
"How dare you?! I am.."
"...a tantruming dictator with the morals of a snake. " she shoots back,
"You belong to me!" He roars
She snorts with laughter  I agreed to live here, nothing more. I do not belong to anyone, least of all a pathetic old man like you "
His eyes flick to me,  his meaning is obvious and the boiling anger that is surging through me is released instantly. I feel it flooding out of me, in tidal waves across the room to the small red-head.
Only to crash against the steel wall I have come to hate.
The shield.
I hiss softly and Aro's eyes widen.
"Enough" he says and sits back down on his throne. " The last thing I want to do is argue with you, Child. I am afraid your negligence of me hurt my feelings somewhat "
She frowns and nibbles her lip, " I never meant to hurt your feelings." She mutters.
"Allow us start anew." He offers her a seat beside him.; a small wooden chair that had been brought in for her needs.
She nods her agreement and an hour later I lead her back to her tower after she and Aro had spoken, stiffly, but courtious with each other. I know my Master well though and I saw his distance as she left.
The fact she is protected still by her mother obviously affect whatever are his plans for her.


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