The Man Who Knew Too Much

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Claire is laying stomach down on my bed flicking through my ipod. Her long dark hair is framing her heart shaped face and pooling infront of her ample breasts. She discards the ipod with a sigh and places her chin on her hands , her swollen breasts still pushing through to be seen between her bent elbows as she gazes longingly at the door.
She looks bored.
"You wanna go to the mall? " I ask just as I hear the front door open. Dad's back.
Claire sits up quickly and smooths down the creases in her low cut tip.
I swallow at how big her breasts look in it. I can feel myself twitch at the sight and pray she can't see my semi in my jeans.
Damn she's so gorgeous. Her large doe eyes are thick with lashes giving her the illusion of innocence. Although she technically is completely innocent( even her lips have never touched another's before) her cheeky and blunt nature could not in the slightest be classed as shy.
She has that twinkle in her eye like she gets just before she's up to something mischievous.
"Let's go sit in the den. " she announces and stands before I can  answer, heading out to where Dad is lounging on the couch. He's already kicked his shoes off and the room stinks of sweaty feet.
Oh my God! Therea no way she cant smell that,  its making my eyes water.  How embarrassing. 
"Jesus Dad" I glower as my cheeks burn red. "we have a guest. " I hiss. She's not going to want to stay now. I hope she doesn't think my feet smell like that!

Embry looks confused for a moment then realises I mean Claire.  He chuckles. "Sorry Claire.  Does my stinky feet offend you?" He doesn't sound sorry. I'm glad he finds this amusing, I just want the ground to swallow me up.

"Leave Embry alone" she grins over her shoulder at me. "If he smells it means he's been working hard. How was work by the way?"

I sit awkwardly on the edge of the sofa as they laugh and joke about Dad's new job on the construction site in town.

She steals his hard hat off the coffee table and poses for us. I swear her top has got lower. I can see the lace at the top of her bra. "How do I look?" She purrs.
I blush as I realise that once again my friend is turning me on a bit too much. I rush to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water and get rid of the annoying persistent boner that her presence always seems to bring.
Damn, she is beautiful.
I really want to ask her to be my girlfriend but...well she's seventeen...And so popular. No way she would want a kid like me.
Plus I'm sure Quil would kill me if I dated his imprint.
Even though they both still claim not to like each other that way. And I guess I believe them. They definitely don't act like they do and Quil is definitely oblivious to her gorgeous plump tits.
There's no way he would be fine with her dressing like that if he was. He must be blind.


I can't believe how far Tak has come in his studies over the last few years. He speaks English perfectly now although still with that sexy accent that makes my knees weak.
He was a natural when I broached math with him and science surprisingly doesn't phase him at all. He was shocked to learn that the earth is actually an orb in space but he never questions me and take it all aboard.

The only thing that threw him was geography. He cannot believe that our land is so small in the grand scheme of things.  He often confused the entire subcontinent of North America as our lands.

He is shuffling nervously as I kiss him my goodbye for today. I miss him so much at night

"...stay" he whispers, his cerulean blue eyes hopeful

I falter "They're already getting suspicious." I say sadly. His face falls and my heart constricts.

"Would it be such a bad thing if they learned of me?" He asks, a slight frown on his noble brow.

"Of course not!," I assure him quickly. I would be so proud to have him on my arm and I don't think any of them would begrudge me this love. Although I am not looking forward to the questions; having to admit just how long I have kept this beautiful secret and exactly who he is."not that we're...together." I promise hoping that isn't a lie. "... Its just...I don't want them to ruin it." I finish with a sigh.
My time with Tak is perfect. Sure and easy and content. Once he comes to light they will want to get to know him and I selfishly want all of him; every word, every glance, every spectacular moment.

He widens his eyes "Ruin it?" He enquires with obvious confusion.

I sigh. Its not right me keeping him away from them. I will introduce him. .soon. I just need to figure out the best way to do it.

"Can I just keep you to myself? Just for a bit?" I beg

He sighs but nods.

I don't want to lose the special bond between us. It feels like allowing someone else anyone else into our bubble could cause it to pop but I know I must. It isn't fair to him or them.

I'm in turmoil about the conversation I overheard.
I need to speak to Chelsea.  I don't know if I need to warn her of Aro's plan or warn her of the consequences, either way I cannot let her get hurt. I love her too much. She is my everything.
I need to find her.
I walk purposefully to the throne room hoping I will find her alone although I know its not likely. Aro seems to have her by his side non stop. Maybe I could sneak her away for a moment?
I hesitate at the throne room door i just walked through.. Chelsea is inside but Aro is also.
I feel a strange uneasiness I never did before. I know I have stiffened. He is a danger and now I know it my body responds accordingly automatically.
Chelsea frowns with confusion at my obviously awkwardness.
It catches Aros attention. He lifts one dark eyebrow as he drinks my attitude in. I try to relax but his attention is just making it harder.
He beckons me to him with one long fingernail.
My feet take me there as my mind screams to run.
As he places his icy fingers against my face I know he will find out about my new knowledge.

"Oh dear" he murmurs. "what a shame..."

I look at Chelsea, her eyes wide with confusion. Will I ever see her again?

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