New Beginnings

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I made up my mind after another sleepless night -I want to see him.
I am a strong, independent woman and I don't need no man! But ....
It feels so wrong without him now. I've been a wreak the last week: Unable to sleep, barely eating, struggling to keep up with the simplest conversation.
I'm not wallowing- I'm not doing a Bella and making a mountain out of a molehill- I'm just not.....quite right.
Nothing takes my mind off of our argument for more than a few minutes and then it comes crashing back like a ton of bricks against my heart .
I'm ashamed of how I reacted.
I shouldn't have shouted and run.
I should have talked to him.
I love him and I shouldn't expect him to be perfect anymore than he expects me to be.
So, I  am stood outside the cool cliff face that hides his lair .
I've been here ten minutes building up the courage to enter. There's a tiny part of me that is worried he hasn't come to me in the last seven days because he is angry.
I steady myself and enter the unknown.
He looks up, shocked, as I walk in. He is sat on the soft moss he uses as a bed,  his knees are tucked up to his chin, his eyes are red rimmed and bloodshot.

He jumps up with obvious joy, calming my worries. He isn't angry. He steps towards me with a shine of wonder glistening his eyes.
"Leik...." He pauses midword and his eyes pop open with worry.  I bite my lip and look down. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea coming back here?
Maybe I am fooling myself that it's actually me he wants.
"Leah" he corrects himself. I look up cautiously. His eyes are so sad. "I didn't think you would come back." He whispers

I shrug in a feeble attempt to look non-plussed. "I promised to teach you to read."

"You did." He walks the few steps left between us cautiously . "I am sorry that I upset you."

I nod, avoiding his eyes as mine threaten to overspill with the wall of tsumami emotions that has suddenly reared.
I start to take the books and paper out of my bag and place them down on a large cool stone that serves as a table for him. I take out the pie I had made for him. "I'm sorry I didn't bring food for a while."

"I don't expect it from you." His voice is soft but he's so close that his hot breath tickles the tiny hairs on my neck

I laugh nervously, trying to lighten the mood and stop myself from throwing myself into his arms like a desperate hussy "Are you saying I'm a terrible cook?"

He smiles. "The food you bring is delicious. If not a little foreign. But I like trying new things." His eyebrows wiggle the tiniest amount and I smile despite myself. For a man of five hundred years old he is pretty damn cheeky. I bat his arm with a smug smile planted on my face at our obvious flirting.

"Foreign?" I ask

"Well sarn ya? It was amazing." He leans down and takes a deep breath of the chicken and ham pie that is still letting off swirls of delicious steam

"Lasagne's not that strange. Its just Italian...." He looks at me inquistively. I laugh. "Maybe I should teach you geography after you can read and write.?"

His face lights up in one of his time stopping smiles. "I would like that."

I smile back and open the children's book I brought with me. "Okay so this is the alphabet." I tell him as I sit down on the cold floor.
He nods and sits close to me. I have trouble concentrating on the letters as he takes a deep breath near my hair.

I think I might enjoy teaching him.


I waddle into the garden with the twins at my flank.
They are giggling at me again and it takes all my effort not to cry.
I'm so fat.
"How's my favourite wife?" Embry calls as he opens the gate.
He passed his exam last month and has decided to find a part time job now that he has the credentials.
So far no luck but I think seeing Quil happy in work has opened his eyes to how fulfilling it will be for him
"I'm your only wife" I huff back not at all in the mood for any sort of joking
I'm due any day now and the baby has dropped into place ready- which means I waddle when I walk ( something the twins find hysterical) . If that wasnt bad enough I also can't go half an hour without needing to pee plus my heartburn is constant and is as firey as a jalapeño eating dragon.  It doesn't help that my craving of choice this pregnancy is raw red chilli peppers- the tamer ones that have a nice juiciness to them too.
They make going to the bathroom rather painful too and this massive stomach makes wiping after an Olympic sport.
I hate being pregnant.
I feel a strange trickling sensation between my legs.
I look down the same time as Embry does. There is a small puddle of water on the grass and my trousers are drenched.
"Oh" I whisper as fear starts to rise. I don't think I'm ready for this.
"Ma?" Ollie's tiny voice is scared and unsure. "Did you have an accident?"
It's too much. I burst onto tears. I'm scared. I don't want to do this I changed my mind. Why does this bit have to hurt? As if reading my mind my body gives the first clench deep on my womb. I cry out and grab Embry.
He has been motionless like a rabbit caught in headlights until that point. My touch seems to bring him to life. "Alfie, help me get your Ma in the house" he barks and then lifts me up with ease making his command pointless. He seems to realise this. "Put the kettle on. I want hot water and clean towels. Can you do that?"
"Yes" Alfie squeaks and Ollie bursts into his own tears.
"It's okay. I'm okay" I reassure him before another spasm hits me.  My eyes open wide and I look up at my husband. "They're too close together! They're not suppose to start that close". Now I'm not scared about the pain, I'm scared for the tiny life inside me.
"Olli! . Run to the mansion- get Carlisle. Tell him it's an emergency! NOW!" Embry barks.
Ollies tears halt on there tracks and quick as the wind he turns and runs.
"It's will be fine" Embryo promises as another crushing clench renders me speechless for a moment.

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