Unwanted Feelings

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I hold Ebony's hand as we walk into the hall where they are all sat in defeated silence now.
Ebony and I had gone up to my tower so I could explain my fledgling plan to her.
I have asked her to look after them both for me; Jake and Seth.
She had cried and begged me to find another way, but I am sure. I'm not going to back down.
This is the only way.
There is a uneasy ambience in the frigid hall.
You would think you had stumbled upon someones wake in there as they all lament for their own lives and the lives of those they love.
They would go to war.
The words have been said; their sacrifice imminent.
They would do all it takes to get Jake back because they know he would do the same for each and every one of them, because they know they all would do the same for each other.
We are not a pack.
We are not a coven.
We are a family.
"I have come to a decision." I project my voice strong and firm.
A deep ancient part of me is bursting into life. I feel supernatural at this moment.
All their heads raise at my words.
" We shall make an exchange with them." I tell them.
I watch my father's shoulders sag. "There is nothing we have that they want, Sweetheart."
I let my eyes fall on him until I have his full attention. "Yes, there is. Something they sent their entire court to try and retrieve eight years ago."
I watch comprehension come to each face, one by one and the cries of disagreement come thick and fast, but I was expecting that.
"THIS IS NOT UP FOR DISSCUSSION" I bellow with authority.
They all slam their mouths shut as if I was the Alpha who is able to command. All except one.
"No. I will not allow it. No, RENESMEE. You do not understand. You are just a child."
"Enough." I raise my hand and he is silent but is see the arguments still forming on his lips.
I turn to Mamma. I know what must be done. "Drop the shield. Let him see that he will not change my mind."
Mum nods slowly, her bottom lip wobbling, giving away her distress.
I turn back to Dad and watch his eyes open wide as I show him my plan and my resolve.
I can actually feel the flashing of my eyes as I propelled my stubbornness and strength. He can either help me or get out the way.
He nods slowly but his face is agonised like I have never seen.
"Thank you Mamma" I say softly and know that her shield is up again in an instant.
Having had it over me for almost nine years she finds it uncomfortable not having me covered and I am glad of it protection.
I blink as I think of something.
"Do you still have Jake shielded?"
She considers it, her eyes darting backwards and forwards. " I think so. I'm not sure. It may just be memory of him." She frowns softly.
I nod. "Alice. Please get me and my father plane tickets to Italy. "

There is a wave of emotion from everyone and soon they are all expressing there want to travel too but none of the wolves would be safe there and we need protection here in case of attack. Emmett and Jasper must stay and so my two wonderful aunts will too.
It has to be Daddy who comes so that Aro can read his mind and be able to see that I really mean what I offer.
"Carlisle and I shall accompany you to Italy. " Mum's eyes are blazing with the same stubbornness mine just did.
I nod.
Maybe it will be good for then to be there too incase Daddy loses his temper.

"Nessie." Daddy whispers. Getting everyone's attention. "Please reconsider."

The room of orange and brown eyes turn to me.

"Dad if he dies, then there is no me. I couldn't live anymore. I wouldn't want to live anymore. I am going to do everything in my power to save him...... with or without your help!"



I startle awake to find myself snuggled up to his chest. I cry out and jump back, my chest still heaving from the nightmare I was just having. He looks across at me sadly. "You were crying in your sleep." He whispers.

I can still see his evil red eyes from the dream. I shudder and wrap my arms around myself. "I'm sorry, I was... Um," I mutter.

"You were talking in your sleep" His eyes look even sadder. What did I say? I watch him worried.

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