Tales Of Old

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My head is buzzing as I look at my Alpha before me.
How can my wolf be Jake?
And how is his wolf different?
Plus how the hell did he change his eyes?
He is holding me in a steady gaze with those piercing blue orbs. My skin shivers but I'm not scared, I'm ....awed.
When did Jake get so.....magnificent?

I swallow.
I had sex with Jake. I had sex with Jake as a wolf.
But. ...
He didn't want me? He turned me down? Jake turned me down months ago. Jake made it quite clear that he would never do that with anyone but Ness.
What the actual fuck is going on?

"Leika" I freeze as the strange word escapes his lips.
That voice!
That is not Jake's voice!
This is not Jacob!
I jump up and scurry away from the stranger who is the spitting image of my Alpha.
He leaps up after me and grasps my hands, firmly but not painfully. If I really wanted to, I could get free. He is jabbering away in a language I don't understand. His words are quick and song like, his eyes are large with earnest.
"I'm sorry. I don't understand you."
He stops talking and looks deep in my eyes. "Leika"
"Leika?" I burrow my eyebrows and try to fathom what he could mean.
He sighs deep and long and his voice is disheartened as he speaks again. This time he is speaking much slower and I am surprised to realise I do know some of the words. Kinda.
He's speaking Quillete; or at least some form of it. His pronouciation is strange and I only understand, maybe, a quarter of the words
"Quillete?" I ask as my hands shake in his.
Those blue eyes flash up and he grins before talking excitedly, once again losing me in his speed.
"Slow down" I laugh and he let's out the most glorious laugh back. I don't think I have ever heard such a happy sound.
"You're Quillete?" I ask and point towards his chest. He looks down at my finger. He takes it in his hand and lifts my wrist to his lips before kissing it tenderly.
A shiver of electricity passes through me and my knees go weak.
"Woah" I gasp and pull my hand away but instantly grab his arm to stop myself from falling. I had no idea my wrists even did that.
He murmurs into my ear something that I instinctively know is sexual even though I don't recognize the actual words.
"Down boy" I giggle, feeling giddy with this unexpected attraction.
I step away from him and hold my hand out to voicelessly instruct him to stay back.
He pouts slightly but in a playful way and I struggle not to swoon over him.
Get it together, Leah. He's just a guy. Don't go loosing your head.
"Quillete?" I ask again.
He nods as he smirks slightly.
"Okay. Okay" I murmur as I try to ignore the come to bed eyes he's giving me. Concentrate, Leah.
He's a Quillete; If he's Quillete that means he's part of the tribe.... But not the pack because I couldn't hear him in my wolf skin. How is he Quillete but not a packmember?
I need to take him to the pack. Jake will know what to....
I bite my lip as I remember how Jake is at the moment.
"Leika?" I look up to see my blue-eyed, Jake doppelganger is stood close again. He whispers something soothing and I leans down to kiss me softly on the lips.
"Leika" he murmurs again as his lips trail down my jaw and to my sensitive neck.
"Woah!" I jump back as my clit throbs in response. We can't do that now. "Down boy!"
I laugh at his returning pout. I think Leika must mean sex. I suppose that wouldn't be a word they taught us in the Quillete school nor one I would have come across in my study of the history of our pack. Although it had been a while since I sat and looked through it all.
"Come with me" I instruct and he tilts his head in an adorable way.
Damn. Has anyone been as delicious as this gorgeous specimen?
I reach tentively for his hand. He looks down at it and grasps mine firmly, grinning from ear to ear.
"Come" I urge.
"Come" he mimics in a deep sexy baritone.
"Yes." I smile, "Come". I tug his hand gently and look in the direction of the village.
When I glance back at him his face has changed.
He looks. ... unsure.
With a little encouragement I get him to follow me through the forest. I talk as we walk, telling him all about the pack and our homes and the Cullens. I don't now how much he understands but I can't help the nervous chatter.
He stops dead as we reach the edge of the trees.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
He takes a step back as I hear Embry's front door open. Him and Quil come out, muttering quietly with their heads together.
"Don't be scared " I urge, but the man takes another step back, releasing my hand in the process.
He shakes his head slowly, looking me deep in the eyes as he does so. He's trying to tell me something.
He steps even further back so that he is completely hidden in the branches now.
I turn as I hear the guys call my name. I wave quickly and turn back to see a wolf now stood there. He whimpers softly before turning and racing away before my fellow packmembers can spot him.
"Who are you?" I whisper softly.
I feel the rough scratch of a blanket against my skin and smile my gratitude to Quil who is blushing slightly as he covers my modestly.
I blink a couple of times in surprise.
I had been walking through the woods naked with the mysterious stranger and had barely realised it.
Why was I so comfortable in his presence?

Blistering Sun II : Shame & DeceptionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara