The Dead Volturi

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"Bellisima". The sleek, slur makes the tiny hairs raise on my neck and I struggle not to shudder.

I lift my chin and look straight at the chalky white vampire with the milky film-covered, crimson eyes.
I had been starring at my feet as I had been led down here by the boy and his goons; Jake's cries of my name haunting each step I took.

"Aro" I offer as a curt greeting as I step away from the young boy  vampire and face my decision.
I am completely terrified.
I am completely alone.
I am in the Volturi Castle,  and I am alone.
"I do so hope you enjoy your stay with us."
I nod, uninterestedly, at his slimy words before casting my eyes across the pedestal that holds the three ornate thrones.  Aro is sat, pride of place, in the central one but the other two are empty.
Where is Marcus? I thought he would be here to greet me. I'm relying on my gut instinct that he is not as cruel and despicable as Aro.
"You did not bring any possessions with you?" The arrogent ancient vampire asks.
I shake my head. I assumed anything I brought with me would be taken away and probably destroyed.
"Nor any garments?" His thin lips spread into a snark smirk as one eyebrow curves upwards.
"Oh." I blink at him as I register his words. "I thought I would have to wear....?" I glance around at the  cloaks of scarlet or pitch that each Vampire is donning.

"Ah, Mon Chéri, Those are only for the privileged within our ranks.... Unless, of course, you wish to convert to our coven?"

I shake my head quickly. As if.

"Ah well." He laments in his silky webbed voice. "I can not say I am surprised. I hope in time you will see us for who we really are. We are not to be feared, sweet  child.  If you are innocent then we hold no danger to you"

I struggle not to roll my eyes. Oh yeah, that's why he came to try and steal me when I was a toddler.
I must show my distain in my features as his faux welcoming smile falls away and if looks could kill I would be a smoking heap of blood and hair on the floor.

"Jane will see to your needs while you are here. You are excused" He snaps his fingers and flicks his hand as if I am an annoying fly.
I stand there in shock for a moment as he turns his gaze from me and calls forward the girl vampire who is stood behind him. He starts muttering something to her and it becomes obviously that I am now being ignored.
Pfft! Child.
"Follow me" Jane instructs. I turn and follow the little blond girl out into the sinister corridors.
She walks slightly ahead of me at an uncomfortably fast pace and I have to jog to keep up with her.
"Marcus chose your crypt..." She begins.
"Crypt?!?!" I squeal. They're putting me in some sort of dungeon?!
She stops and turns. Her ruby eyes look me up and down with one eyebrow arched . "Would you prefer I use the term 'room', Halfling?" She asks hautily

"Hey! Don't talk to me like that! I don't care how big and scary you are." I snap.

She looks taken aback for a second but regains her composure instantly. "I am not big, but I am scary, Halfling. Watch your tongue"
"I will if you do" I lift my chin in defiance.
She frowns and tilts her small head slightly. "You have me at a loss. What exactly did I do which offended you?"

Well,. DUHHH. "Calling me names?!"

She tilts her head even further, like she is worried I might actually be crazy.

"Halfling!" I exclaim.

Her face gains comprehension. "I see. You do not appreciate the term. I wonder which half offends you?"

That's not the point at all. "Neither"

"Then why does it offend you so?"

I shrug.  I don't know how to answer that. I guess because I thought she was talking down to me. "I prefer Renesmee, or Ness." I answer diplomatically.

Blistering Sun II : Shame & DeceptionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon