Chapter 19

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A lawyer hired by the Salvatores had arrived that morning and had begun instructing Elena on signing the deed to the boarding house. With the brothers waiting outside, Bonnie sat by her side holding Natalie on her lap.

  "Please sign here and here," instructed the lawyer. Pen in hand, Elena began to sign.

"So this place is all yours?" Bonnie asked, wiping Natalie's face clean. "They just gave it to you?"

  "For now," Elena said, glancing at her. "As sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean." She emphasized her meaning, nudging her head toward the human lawyer.

"Your own personal safe house," Bonnie stated.

   "That's the idea,"

Bonnie grimaced, taking a look around. "Wouldn't want to clean it." She joked. Elena chuckled.

Natalie slid off Bonnie's lap and walked her way to Elena, standing on her toes as she tried to peak. "Mama, what's that." Pointing to the papers.

"This, Natalie, is a deed."

"What's a deed?"

"A deed is a paper that says I now own this house," Elena explained.

Natalie tilted her little head in question. "Own?"

"It means it's ours now."

Her eyes widen with excitement. "This one?" Natalie said, pointing around.

Elena smiled. "Yup, this one."

"Where will daddy live?"

"He'll live here, moon," Elena laughed.

"And we are done." The lawyer said, gathering the documents, along with his briefcase.

Elena picked up Natalie and poked at her stomach. Natalie giggled. "C'mon, moon. Let's go get Damon and your daddy."

With a friendly smile, Elena walked the lawyer out - opening the door. "Thank you, Mr. Henry," She said, reaching and shaking his hand as he left.

Elena turned and walked away. However, she stopped halfway when she suddenly remembered.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot." She turned around and looked at them apologetically. "Stefan," Elena smirked at the complete opposite looks the brothers gave each other; one with mischief and the other with sarcasm. "Would you like to come inside my house?"

Stefan grinned. "I would love to. Thank you." He said, stepping inside the house and standing next to his girls. Natalie clapped and shouted a tiny yay as she was scooped into his arms.

Damon narrowed his eyes. "What are we, twelve?"

"One of us is," Elena responded, Letting her smile drop. "If I let you in do you promise to obey the owner of this house?"


Elena sighed. "Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agenda's. Remember?"

Damon sucked in a breath. He nodded with obvious reluctance. "Yes, Elena. Sure."

Satisfied, Elena said. "Then please, come in."

Damon walks past them both, muttering 'shut up' when he catches Stefan stifling a laugh. Elena followed after them. Bonnie then came up to her and handed her things.

Stefan looked back and stopped. "Wait, where are you going?"

Putting on her jacket, Elena said. "To school."

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