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Megatron then smacked Prime's chest. Never do that again, Prime. Prime looked at Megatron. Do what Megatron. I am confused. Oh you know what I mean Prime. Never do that again or I'll have your helm. And I mean it Prime. Megatron got up and started to walk until he was knocked down. Megatron growled. So that's how it's going to be huh. Well let's have it then. One to one. Brother versus brother. Megatron immediately got up and he walked over to where Prime was at and he grabbed Prime's arm and he dragged him heading outside. Meanwhile Ratchet was in a room and the doors opened. He was about to walk out but he stopped and saw Megatron dragging Prime. Megatron, stop. No, Prime. Me vs you. Megatron, is this really necessary. Megatron stopped and he looked at Prime. Yes, it is.

You were outside enjoying the sun hitting your frame when you heard something. You turned and saw Megatron shoving Prime. Megatron I don't want to fight you. I was just kidding. Well, I don't. If I say I don't want my queen to know then I don't want her to know. It is so embarrassing, Prime. Soon he heard your voice. Embarrassed about what, Megs. Megatron immediately turned and he looked at you. Prime looked at you. Prime immediately got up. We used to hangout and he got a lot of femmes to ask him out. Soon Prime left. PRIME! GET BACK HERE! Soon Megatron took after Prime. You will suffer for what you did, Prime. Or what Megatron. Take my spark or what.

Megatron was furious but soon he felt someone grab his arm. He jerked away and shoved the person. But soon his eyes widened. Sweet spark. I didn't mean to. I immediately ran. Sweet spark. Ugh. Great. Thanks a lot Prime. Megatron went to look for you to apologize for what he did. You quickly landed on the flightdeck and ran inside. You went and ran into the room. You went and locked the door. Megatron looked around and still didn't find you. TailGlider. Ugh. TailGlider. He kept shouting for your name but you didn't answer back to him. Where are you sweet spark?

He kept looking around for you but no sign of you. He went and saw his son Dread-Quake-Storm. He went and grabbed his pad and typed something. Son. Where is your carrier? Dread-Quake-Storm typed something back to his sire. Sire, I think she is on our ship. Megatron typed back. Thank you son. Megatron rubbed his son's helm and walked off to locate you. I was in our room crying. My husband has never done that to me before.

Megatron landed on the flightdeck and he transformed to find where you were at. He walked in and saw Soundwave. Soundwave. Have you seen the queen by any chance? Dread-Quake-Storm said she was coming here. And I think I upsetted my queen. I did something that I shouldn't have. He pointed in one direction. Thank you Soundwave. Megatron was walking, looking around until he heard something. He turned up his audio and he heard someone crying. He sighs. I didn't mean to make you cry, my queen. He said to himself. He walked over and he sat down next to the door. He knew that the doors were probably locked.

My queen. Go away Megs. Go away. I don't want to see you or talk to you. Sighs. My queen. I am sorry. I….I didn't mean to. I didn't know you were behind me. Megs, that doesn't even matter. What matters is that you hurt me. And you can't even take that back. Megatron sighs. He didn't know what to do. He really didn't mean to hurt you. He loves you so much. It broke his spark when you said that you hurt me. He wanted to make it up but he didn't know how to.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction TailGlider and Dreadwing 3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat