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SkyQuaker was crying even more. Megatron has never seen his son like this before. They approached the doors leading outside. Megatron bent down. Son. Uh. He chuckled nervously. Your brothers and sisters are….safe and sound. SkyQuaker looked at his father with his eyes widened. What. How do you know? Because they aren't here dad. Megatron sighs. He then messaged TailGlider through his comlink. TailGlider, have them ready. I think this went too far. SkyQuaker was confused. The doors opened, he looked but didn't see anyone until he saw figures walking out from the corner. SkyQuaker growled. He smacked his father's hand away from him.

He frowned at his father. Dad. Are you serious? You actually almost scared me with this. SkyQuaker immediately walked off getting away from his family. Wait brother. I looked at my husband. Megs, I definitely think we took this too far. But not just us….but you. Megatron looked down. Yes, I agree with you. Megs, just wait until he cools down then you can talk to him. Megatron nodded. We all walked back into the base. Megatron decided to spend some time with his brother Prime. He then walked and headed to his room. Prime was in his room looking over things when he heard his doors open. He looked and saw his brother Megatron.

Megatron. What brings you here to see your brother. Megatron looked at him. Uh. Well. I thought maybe we could, you know since we are brothers I thought maybe we should….hangout. Prime widened his eyes. Before Megatron knew it and saw it his eyes widened seeing Prime running towards him. Soon Prime hugged Megatron. And Megatron does not like hugs. Well he does only with his family. But he doesn't like the hugs like what Prime just gave him right now. Ugh. It's so good to have you back Megatron. Ugh. Prime, you'd better let go of me, or I'll have your helm. Oh, uh, sorry Megatron. Megatron looked at him. Don't ever do that again. You know I hate hugs like that.

I am really sorry Megatron. Megatron scoffed. Yeah sure. So about what I said about hanging out. I thought maybe we could or should catch up or something. I guess that's what the fleshlings call it. Prime chuckled. Yes it is. Prime laughed. Megatron looked at him. What's so funny, Prime. Prime just laughed without saying why he was laughing. Megatron was so confused about what was happening. Prime, snap out of it. Prime looked at Megatron. And he laughed again. Oh you gotta be kidding me. This is what I get to do to hangout with you. Megatron shook his helm.

Soon Prime stopped. I was just remembering the old times. You used to ask me about hanging out and going to meet out with the femme's. Megatron's eyes widened. Prime. Shut up. I don't want TailGlider to hear that. Anyways you'll get me embarrassed. Wait. She doesn't know. Yeah. She doesn't. Soon Prime ran off. Megatron's eyes widened. Prime don't you dare. Megatron ran off and took off after him. Prime was running and he saw TailGlider. He turned and saw Megatron running after and towards him.

Prime turned and he kept running. TailGlider. You turned and saw Prime running towards you but soon you saw Megatron running after him. Prime don't you even dare say it to her. Megatron jumped and tackled Prime. They both went and soon they hit the wall. You watched them both fighting and you shook your helm. You waved your servo at them. Sometimes I don't get you two. You act like a bunch of babies. You soon walked off to get away from these bunch of babies that are acting like they are little children. Megatron watched you walk off. Megatron turned and he looked at Prime. He was so upset that Prime tries to tell you what he did back on Cybertron during The Golden Age.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction TailGlider and Dreadwing 3Where stories live. Discover now