The Right Choice R.W (Requested)

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Requested JulzLovDraco4Eva

It's hard for anybody to have your sibling in a different house than you. It's even harder if you're a Malfoy in the Gryffindor house. I was lucky enough for them to not disown me. If only they knew how much deeper being in Gryffindor house goes.

I was able to blackmail Draco into not saying anything about my relationship with the Golden Trio. They've been my best friends since first year when I helped them find the stone. Ever since then we've been inseparable. Especially Ron. Even before we were dating we were practically glued at the hip. Harry was always making jokes about it. Hermione and Ginny were relentless about their teasing. It all worked out in the end though.

"Does my hair look okay?"Hermione asked touching it up for the third te this night.
"Hermione, you're looks lovely. Stop fretting so much."
She gave me an apprentive smile before helping me with my eyeshadow.
"You both look beautiful,"Ginny told us,coming out of the bathroom.
"You look amazing to Gin. That's a great color on you."
She grinned before going downstairs to join Neville. They're both so lucky to go with their dates and actually be on a date.

"Y/N, you look upset. What's wrong?"
"It's nothing. Now you have a special entrance to make."
She gave me a look that said we'll talk about this later but knew I was right. She did have the first dance after all.

~Time Skip~

I was enjoying myself a lot more than I thought I would. Everybody looked like they were having fun. Obviously Harry was bummed about Cho, but we cheered him up as best as we could.
Then,came the slow song. I agreed to dance with Ron while obviously pretending it was a platonic thing.
"You look beautiful tonight,"He whispered in my ear. I could instantly feel my face heat up. "You don't look to bad yourself Mr.Weasley." He looked down at his shoes.
"I'm serious Ron. You look great,"I reassured him. He nodded and spun me around before the slow dance ended.
"Y/N!"I heard my brothers angry voice shout. I turned around to see him red in the face. "What Draco?"I huffed in annoyance.
"Don't what Draco me! Do you not see the way this blood traitor is looking at you!"
"I've told you several times not to call him that! You don't get to insult people because you don't like them,"I yelled back. At this point a crowd had gathered around.

"That's it. You are not allowed to be with this kind of crowd anymore."
"You know what? I love this crowd. They're always going to be there for me, and I love the way my boyfriend looks at me like I'm his world!"
The room was so quiet you could hear a quill drop.
"You're not a Malfoy. You're a blood traitor,"He hissed with pure hatred written all over his face. I felt my eyes prickle with tears but refused to let them fall. I knew my brother could be cruel, but he's never said anything like that before. It didn't help that the entire school seemed to be watching.

"You know it's true. You are no longer a Malfoy. From now on you have no family."
"That's it Malfoy! You don't talk to my girlfriend like that!"Ron shouted pushing him.
"You really think I'm threatened by the likes of you Weasel,"He insulted before going for his wand. Ron was quicker than and delivered a punch straight to his jaw. I know I should have helped, but everything was spinning and if I stayed any longer I would burst into tears. I made a run straight for the door and didn't stop until I was at my dorm.

~Time Skip~

When I woke up to get breakfast Hermione gently informed me that Ron and Draco were in the hospital wing. Apparently Ron had punched Draco so hard he broke his hand. Harry let me know he checked on him, and he's doing okay. He's coming to either breakfast or our first class. The thought of seeing him cheered me up a bit. It especially helped when I realized I wouldn't have to hide my relationship with Ron.

I heard muttering and turned to see what everyone was looking at. In an instant my heart dropped. In the family owls claw was a red letter.
The letter dropped into my hand and I felt myself go pale. I was too stunned to open it. Instead,I sat there in shock. Then it ripped itself open.

"Y/N,How could you be such a BLOOD TRAITOR! YOU ruined us! YOU decided to BETRAY the family name and everything we stand for! If you want to be with Blood traitors and Mudbloods so much be one yourself!
You were NEVER a Malfoy. Now it's official. Find your own family now. You AREN'T our daughter!"

It was over as quickly as it started. The letter tore itself up and with it my life. I could still hear my father's booming voice echoing in my head. I didn't have a family anymore. I was alone.

"Y/N. Let's go,"Hermione whispered gently. I nodded and shakily stood up with both my friends by my side. They escorted me to the common room.

"Y/N. You know that letters not true right?"Harry asked me.
"How could it not be? I'm all alone now,"I said wiping my tears.
"That's not true. We're your family. We've always been,"He told me before hugging me. Hermione followed suit.

"If we weren't your family do you think Ron would have broken his hand or Harry would share his cloak with you? Do you think I would be begging you to live with me?"Hermione asked.
"Live with you? What about your parents?"

"Y/N, they would love for you to stay. I know they would."

"Y/N,what happened?"We all heard Ron say. Hermione gave Harry a look and he nodded before walking off.

"What happened?"He repeated taking my hand.
"I'm not a Malfoy anymore. My family doesn't want me,"I replied with a single tear running down my face.
"Y/N, look at me. You're last name isn't your family. We're your family. Me, Harry, Hermione, and so many other people, and you know what? I'm proud to be your boyfriend Y/N. I'm proud to be your family,"He said before gently kissing me.

At that moment I knew I made the right choice.

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