Secret D.M(part 1)

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Requested by @JulzLovDraco4eva

It was almost Draco's and Is four year anniversary. We had to celebrate early so that nobody knew. Neither of us like that, but we would hate not being able to see each other. Plus Draco and my friends don't get along very well. Without me they would be the Golden Trio. I make it better.

"Are you going to see him again?"Ginny asked.
Okay, Ginny knows. That's just how she is though.
"Yeah. It's our only free day to visit,"I responded. "Why don't you let your friends know?"She asked. "They all hate each other,"I told her. "They don't even know each other,"She said. "Ron would totally be able to keep a secret. Now do I look okay?"I asked spinning around. I had on something a bit more classy but not enough to where it would be suspicious.
"It looks nice. Let me add a clip to your hair though,"She offered before putting in a small red and green butterfly pin.

"How long have you had this?"I asked her. "I just picked it up last weekend. I thought that the colors would be a good metaphor,"She said. I grinned at her before throwing my hands around her. She laughed before handing me the gift she helped me wrap.

"You have to go. I'll see you when you get back,"She said. I thanked her one lat time before heading to the Shrieking Shack. It's not the most romantic place, but it works for now.

I was leaving the common room unnoticed until Harry and Ron looked up from their chess game.
"Where are you off to again?"Ron asked. "Nowhere,"I responded. "Sounds like a really nice place. I'd like to go there sometime,"Harry joked without looking up from the game. "You should come next time,"I joked back relieved that his sarcasm gets me out of it almost every time.

~Time Skip~

Three hours later and we had run out of food.
"I want your jacket,"I told him. "It's wam out,"He said. "I just want your jacket,"I responded. He sighed and smiled at me before wrapping his jacket around me. "Was that so hard?"I teased. "Yes darling. It took a lot of effort,"He told me. "For you I can tell,"I said. "Oh,really?"He asked. I nodded. In one second he picked me up and threw me in the lake.

I was soaked and held up his jacket to remind him I was wearing it. "Magic exists Y/N,"He reminded me. "Well,can you at leat help me up?"I asked. He rolled his eyes and walked towards me. When I held up my hands he just jumped in and splased me.
"You really think I don't know you bt now Y/N?"He asked. All I had to say was "It was worth a shot."

After we got out of the water it was time to exchange gifts. I gave him mine first.He quickly unwrapped it and saw the Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter cookies I made. "My favorite,"He said before putting the box in his pocket for later. "I know. That's why I made them,"I told him. "You need to close your eyes and hold out your hand,"He said. I did so and felt him slide a ring on my finger.

I opened my eyes to look at the glitstening ring on my finger. "Is this a?"I begain to ask before Draco explained it was a promise ring. "It's stunning. I love you,"I told him before kissing him.

"I love you to sweetheart. We have to go now though,"He said sadly. "We'll meet next week right?"I asked. "Of course Lovely. I'll walk you back,"He said taking my hand. I could have sworn I saw a bright flash but I'm probably just imagining it.

 I could have sworn I saw a bright flash but I'm probably just imagining it

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