Studying Sessions F.W

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I was drawing random things around the library while waiting for Fred. He seemed to be having a ton more trouble in charms than usual which is odd since he's usually quit good at charms. Whatever the case may be I do tutor in my free time so I'm not going to turn him down.

"Hello there Y/N,"Fred said making me almost jump out of my skin. "What you got there?"He asked,pointing to my sketchbook. "Just some drawings. Now do you have everything?"I asked him. "I should. Let me just reach in my bag."
I waited patiently as he pulled out random things.

"I seem to have forgotten my charms book in my room,"He told me. "I don't have mine. I guess we'll go get it,"I suggested. He stared at me dumbfounded.
"What?"I asked. He shook his head. "Nothing love. Just didn't think you'd be so excited to go in my dorm,"He replied. I felt my face go hot. "We need your books to study Fred. I assure you that I am perfectly content on my own,"I stated. When he didn't move I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the library.

The whole way there he flirted with me. I ignored the butterfly's in my stomach. He flirts with every girl. He doesn't like me like that. He'll get help with charms, and after that I won't exist.

"You okay there love?"He asked. "If you call me that one more time Fred I swear to Merlin I'll hex you,"I threatened. "You would never. Anyways we're here,"He announced, opening the door to his dorm. I stood in the doorway before he suggested just studying here.

"If I didn't know you I'd think you were trying to get with me,"I joked. "You have unravelled my secret plan,"He responded dramaticly. I did a slow clapped at his performance.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment,"He said. I rolled my eyes at his antics as he kept searching for his book. After a few minutes I started searching with him. When I looked under his bed I found it.

I pulled it out and saw a sheet of paper on top with an O. I checked the date and saw it was from yesterday. "We could always steal George's. I'm sure he wouldn't mind,"Fred suggested.
"Fred,this is great. I don't know why you didn't tell me, but this is brilliant."I exclaimed showing him the test before throwing my arms around him. I felt him tense up and instantly let go of him.

"Sorry about that,"I told him. He nodded but said nothing. "Are you alright?"I asked. "Yeah. I'm great,"He said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Freddie. You can talk to me,"I whispered. He ran a hand through his hair and sat on his bed silently. I took a seat by him.

"Y/N, I never needed tutoring,"He confessed. "So what was it about then? I don't mean to be rude, but I have other people who need help,"I said trying hard to sound gentle.

"That's exactly why I pretended I needed your help. You're just always so busy, and I figured this would be a good way to get to know you. I, I really like you Y/N. I see you in class, and you have no idea I'm there. You never have actually. It just absolutely,"I cut him off with a kiss.

"Fred Weasley, you're an idiot. I've liked you since before our tutoring sessions. I was just worried and I see you flirt with basically every girl and,"It was him this time who cut me off with a kiss. He put one hand on my cheek and the other on my back. I ran my hands through his hair before pulling away.

"It was my turn to cut you off love,"He said, before leaning in again.

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