Breakfast In Bed

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Harry Potter

He has experience cooking before and put a lot of thought into this

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He has experience cooking before and put a lot of thought into this. He was worried you wouldn't like it on its own so he got fancy. He added coffee that neither of you liked, but you made sure he knew how good the pancakes were. He planned a small date in Hogsmeade for you. There was a lot of snow so you both bundled up. You had a snow ball fight and competed for the best snowman.He won so you pulled him down to the ground. Every part of it was amazing.

Ron Weasley

He doesn't usually cook so he picked something simple

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He doesn't usually cook so he picked something simple.He did steal one before waking you up for it. It was gone by both of you in ten minutes. Eating it so quickly made you both sick. You stayed in and fell back asleep while cuddling.

Hermione Granger

She went with something healthy

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She went with something healthy. It amazed you that she didn't use magic to make it. She made her own so you each had your own plate, but you still had some of her strawberry's. She was annoyed but mostly thankful you liked it that much. You guys just watched movies all day that she had planned just for you.

Ginny Weasley

She spent a lot of time on it

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She spent a lot of time on it. She took so long you actually woke up, and she made you go back to bed. You were reading until she came up with breakfast. Your eyes lit up and you ate it as she drank her coffee. You did make her take a bit though and you ended up finishing it together. After that you both played Quidditch the rest of the day.

Luna Lovegood

Luna always goes above and beyond for you

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Luna always goes above and beyond for you.She made them in the night while you were asleep so you could wake up to them.She made sure you had enough blankets and cuddled you for most of the day. Later she took you to an ice skating rink. You taught her tricks since she was a beginner. She fell a bit and leaned on you most of the time.

Neville Longbottom

Neville felt like just making you breakfast as a surprise

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Neville felt like just making you breakfast as a surprise. There wasn't a ton of food, but he made it work. He waited for you to wake up before handing it to you on a plate along with chocolate milk. Your favorite flowers were there as well. He was worried you wouldn't like it, but you told him that it was incredible and how sweet he is. After that he took you to a small lake to feed ducks.

Draco Malfoy

Draco did't have a lot of experience with cooking

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Draco did't have a lot of experience with cooking. However, when you told him how much you loved when your parents cooked for you without magic he decided to learn. It took a lot of secret practice since he wanted it to be a surprise. You woke up to him setting the tray down. When he told you how he didn't use magic you made sure to tell him how much you adored him. Then,you guys spent the rest of the day inside.

Seamus Finnegan

Seamus isn't allowed in the kitchen for a reason. Just like potions and spells something is usually on fire. When he saw how hard you were working yourself he wanted to do something nice for you. He tried to cook but caught the eggs on fire. He put them out as quickly as possible and settled in going to your favorite breakfast place. To this day you haven't told him you were watching him try to cook just in case something got out of hand.

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