Raspberry Chapstick L.L

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For some reason Luna seems to always have such kissable lips. It could be the fact that everything about here was addicting like the way he voice is soft and dreamy. The way she laughs the loudest in the room whenever you say something remotely funny just makes you feel special. At the end of the day though all I can focus on our her lips.

"Y/N, what's the answer to number 7?"Ginny asked from behind me. "Huh, oh I think I got there,"I answered going through my homework.
"You haven't done any of it. You've written your name, and you didn't even spell that correctly."
"I've been distracted."
"Oh trust me. I know. You've been staring at her since we got here,"She said making my face go redder than her hair.
"I haven't been staring at anyone,"I protested. She raised her eyebrow.

"I'm actually her friend. We could go talked to her. I'll bring you over,"She told me grabbing me by my arm.
"Ginerva Weasley,let me go,"I demanded even using her actual name. She didn't even flinch.
"Hey Ginny. Why are you dragging Y/N along? She looks miserable."
Great job Y/N. Now she thinks you don't want to see her. Why to charm a girl.

"Hey Luna. How are you today?"
"I'm doing good. Father found another Snackle Horned Snout. Quite wonderful creature. How are you?"
"I'm good. Just came over with Y/N. She's having trouble with some of the homework, and I've got Quidditch practice so could you help her?"
Luna looked at me for a second with those beautiful blue-gray eyes before agreeing and patting the seat next to to her.

~Time Skip~

I spent a good hour with Luna before she left to feed Threstals. She looked so pretty as she skipped off with her light blond hair waving behind her. I gazes at her before going to grab my bag. When I reached for it I saw a raspberry Chapstick by it. I turned it over to see the initials LL with little hearts by it. I clutched it in my hand before going after her.

"Luna! Wait up,"I called out. She turned around and looked at me with curious eyes.
"You forget your chapstick."

he looked at me before smiling as I put it in her hand. She grabbed my hand back and closed my fist around it.
"I know you love Raspberries. You keep this one,"She told me with no room for debate.
"I'm going to feed the Threstals. Would you like to come with?"
I held out my hand, and she took it before leading me to the forest.
Instead of daydreaming about her lips I think I'll kiss them.

I guess I don't have to kill Ginny.

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