Overprotective R.W(Part 1)

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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva

We were all going to say goodbye to Buckbeak. Hagrid was torn up beyond belief, and honestly so were we. I know Malfoy's git, but I never would have thought he'd go this far.

"Come to see the show?"We heard Malfoy ask. We all whipped our heads around to see his posse. "You foul,lonesome ,evil,little cockroach,"Hermione spat with her wand to his throat. "Do it,"I encouraged. "Hermione no. He's not worth it,"Ron reasoned. She lowered her wand only for him to laugh. The second that snicker left his mouth she bloodied up his nose.

"That felt good,"She stated. I nodded in agreement before checking her hand. Once I saw it wasn't hurt every good feeling I had left. There was silence as we headed towards Hagrid's house.

Buckbeak looked so happy as he was eating his final meal. "Hello Hagrid. Are you alright?"I asked. "Oh,you four shouldn't be here right now,"He told us. "We came to pay our respects,"I said holding back tears. "Alright,why don't you all come in?"He suggested. I nodded and lightly patted Buckbeak's head. He allowed me to, but I had to pull my hand away before I completely broke down.

"We have to go inside Y/N,"Ron said gently. I nodded and followed him inside. "It's his last day but he seems so happy to see ya'll, especially Y/N,"He said before finally breaking down.

"Why don't you let him go?"Harry suggested. "They'd know it was me,"He said through tears. "What if I purposely let him go and they saw me?"I suggested. "NO!"Ron shouted. We all looked at him, and he cleared his throat.

"There's nothing that can be done. You all need to leave,"He instructed. We looked out the window and quickly slipped under the invisibility cloak.

There was a knock on the door, and he opened it to see the minister as expected. What I didn't expect was Lucious.

"I see you have a not so spacious hut. I'm surprised anything could fit in here,"He insulted. I was clenching my fists without realizing until Ron gently grabbed it only to quickly pull his hand away.

Once they were outside I felt a something hit my head. Then Harry rubbed the back of his head. We all turned, but nobody was anywhere near us.

Just then I felt something run across my feet and let out a sreak. I looked down to see a rat.

"Scabbers,"Ron exclaimed. "I believe you owe somebody and apology,"Hermione told him. "You're right. I'll tell Crookshanks when I see him,"Ron said.
As he was looking at Scabbers for injuries he got bit.

"Are you right?"I asked worried, but Ron was already chasing after Scabbers. We all followed him with me leading the way.
Scabbers was heading towards the Whomping Willow.

The second Scabbers was in Ron's hand again he but him and escaped down a hole. Then the tree started to slam it's branches down in an attempt to hit him. We were trying to help him, but the tree attacked us to. Harry ended up flying on one of it's branches as Hermione joined him. I reached into my pocket, but my wand wasn't there. This gave the tree plenty of time to try to kill me. I froze up in panic when I felt someone throw me into a hole by the tree.

I stood up and saw Harry and Hermione fly in behind me and Ron. I felt my face flush and had to remind myself this was not a good moment to get all giddy.

I tried to help Ron up, but he could barely stand. One of his legs was bloody, and I was using of every healing spell I could.
"Bloody hell Y/N. I'm not dying,"He said in a tone I couldn't quite decipher.

"Guys,"Hermione stuttered out. We tried to see Sirius Black standing there covered in grime.
Ron was leaning on his good leg and said "If you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill me too."

"Professor,"I shouted in relief. Hermione turned around and stopped shaking slightly.

"Professor, it's Sirius Black,"Harry exclaimed. "Sirius,Is that really you?"He asked. "Course it is Remus,"He answered before hugging him.

We all looked at each other ,and I felt myself freeze up. Then, Hermione had her wand out instantly.

"Stop. I'll...I'll have to tell everyone what you are now,"Hermione told him. If we weren't all going to die I would have time to ask what this was. "And what am I, Ms.Gramger?"He asked. "You're a wearwolf. You're always gone on a full moon. Then, Snape had a lesson about this,"She explained, with her shaky hands still holding her wand. "You really are the brightest witch of your age,"He told her.

"I'm not here to kill Harry. I'm here for him,"Sirius growled, pointing a bony finger at Ron. I took a step in front of him and shouted "Expelliarmus,"at Lupin making his wand fly out of his hand.

"I'm not here for the boy. I'm here for the rat,"He yelled an unsettling face. "Scabbers! Bloody hell you're mad!"Ron exclaimed, hugging Scabbers to his chest.

"Well, what do we have here?"We heard the monotone voice of Snape. "Severus, there's an explanation for this,"Lupin said. I realized they all knew each other at one time. For some reason this felt surreal.

"I have told Dumbledore you were not to be trusted. Her is my proof,"He said smirking. "Snape,"Hermione started.
"You four need to be quiet. You're all going home soon enough."
"Let me explain,"Lupin started only for Snape to pull out his wand.

Everyone was in shock when Snape flew into the wall and blacked out. We all looked at Harry and in typical Hermione fashion she freaked out about being expelled.

"Stop. What are you here for?"Harry asked. "Just give me the rat,"He shouted in anger. "Sirius, you have to explain to them,"Lupin told him. "I did my waiting, 13 years of it, In AZKABAN,"He wailed.

"You're bloody mad,"Ron exclaimed. "How long have you had that rat?"Sirius asked. "Twelve years,"He told him. "And he's missing a toe isn't he?"He asked, almost excited.

"I think you should give him Scabbers Ron,"I told him. Everyone turned to look at me. "What?"He replied quietly.

I leaned down to look him in the eye. "It's either he kills all of us, including you, or you give him Scabbers,"I tried to reason. When he kept objecting I grabbed Scabbers put of his hand only to have him bite me. Once Scabbers was about to run out the door Luping put a spell on him. We all watched in horror as a grown man appeared in his place.

"Sirius, Remus, my old friends,"The man said as if they were having a conversation about the weather.

"Friends? FRIENDS! Lily and James were our friends, and they're dead. You sold them out,"Sirius screamed. "What would you have done?"Peter asked. "I would have died for my friends,"He told him, in a soar voice.

Then the man turned to Ron. "Ron, I was a good pet. I was so good,"He attempted to coax. I shoved the man to the floor.

"Are you ready Sirius?"Remus asked. "Never been more ready,"He replied.
They got their wands out, but Harry yelled for them to stop.
"Harry, this monster killed your parents,"Sirius told him. "I don't think my dad would want his best friends to be murderers,"He replied.
We all held our breath in anticipation until he reached and patted Harry's shoulder. "It's up to you,"He said. Harry just nodded.

"Oh, thank you Harry, Thank you,"He said, clutching onto Harry. He made a look of disgust and shoved him off of him.

"This is for my dad,not you,"He snapped. "The dementers can take care of you,"He added. Lupin and Sirius looked at each other and grabbed Peters shoulders. He'll finally get what he deserves.

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